We've Only Just Begun -Epilogue

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A year later

Normal looked good on Michael. It was something that had taken awhile for her to get used to. The first few times she came home to see him dressed in anything other than coveralls, milling about the kitchen or asleep in an actual bed was strange, but pleasant. However, it wasn't an easy journey that led them there. She often thought back to the nights they had spent hidden in less than accommodating places, worried they would be caught and awake to find themselves without each other. The farther they got from Haddonfield the more they felt at ease. Michael was unrecognizable to the outside world without his mask on. It had been years since his days at the sanitarium so no recent photographs existed of him. Adjusting to life unmasked was not an easy task for him. It had become so much a part of his being that shedding it once and for all was like shedding his own skin. Sharing himself and who he was with her had been the first step and she didn't mind being his guide to the rest of the world. She sat beside him as he allowed his face to become known. People passed by one by one, unaware that the handsome man they were looking at was one of the most prevalent killers known to man. To them, he was normal. His story was something locked within only him and her, one they would never know. She watched as he began to enjoy their oblivious gaze, it was something he had never before experienced. To be average was comforting to him. Once they were far enough away from their hometown she had taken measures to alter her appearance just enough to hide in plain sight alongside him. Nights became less frightening for her as the weeks went by and their capture never came. Seasons changed and they slowly but surely began to build a somewhat normal existence together. It almost made her wonder if everything before really had been a bad dream. A nightmare she never bothered to revisit.

She came home to find the house empty. Michael wasn't usually out long anymore, not since he had abandoned his old ways. She looked at the TV and decided to sit awhile, something she rarely did anymore. She was never bored enough to bother with it these days, but alone time was something she had finally learned to enjoy again. Michael had taken so many steps to heal it was only fair she did too. Being alone had been her greatest fear since her days in that room. But now, she had someone she knew would never leave her wondering. Her thoughts never strayed into that dark place anymore, it had become fiction. A scary story trapped within the lines on a page that could no longer physically reach her. She had become invincible to her past.

She turned the dial, but couldn't find anything interesting enough to grab her attention. She left the news on as background noise and plopped down on the couch. She looked out the window and gazed at the passing day. Leaves were blowing by and autumn was slowly creeping into their new town. She could see the neighborhood children sitting across the street carving a pumpkin. She smiled to herself as she watched them. She could finally say she was just has happy as they were with life. It was finally simple. 

Words started to trickle into her ears, turning her attention to the woman's voice on the TV. Her head slowly turned to see a familiar face painted on the screen.

"It's been years since your fateful encounter with Haddonfield's most feared killer. As a surviving victim, what would you say to him if you knew he was listening right now, Ms. Strode?" A news reporter questioned as he held the mic out for her to answer.

Laurie paused for a moment, considering her words carefully, "I would say I want you to come back. I dare you to."

(Y/n) leaned forward, intrigued. She knew exactly who Laurie was speaking of.

"And why do you want him to come back? Aren't you afraid he might?" The reporter pressed.

"He will," Laurie's gaze shifted directly into the camera, as if she was looking right into their home, "And when you do Michael, I want you to know that I'll be waiting. I will be the one who ends you. So come home."

The room buzzed with energy around her, a kind she knew too well. She could feel she was no longer alone and she wasn't the only one who had heard Laurie's words. She didn't have to turn to know he was behind her, standing ever so still in the doorway. She knew what he was feeling, she also knew he would stifle it if she asked him to. They had worked so hard to cover up their past to get to where they were now. But maybe this wasn't who they were, maybe this life was the mask. After all, she had had her final girl, who was she to stop him from getting his?

He watched as she stood silently and moved to the chest hidden in the corner of the room. She opened it and dug deep until her finger tips grazed a familiar material. She carefully pulled it out of its hiding place and brushed the dust that had collected off the white rubber. As she held it, she felt not fear but acceptance. As if it was confirming without words this was their path and they would walk it together to the end.

She turned and walked towards him, the mask guiding her to Michael like a magnet to metal. She stopped in front of him and grabbed his hand. She placed it on the face in her hands and looked up at him.

"It's time to go home, Michael."

Thank you
So much to everyone who read and voted on this book. It's a special one to me and I hope to rewrite it as an original story one day, but for now, It's Michael's.🖤 I will be posting chapters to a new book in the next few weeks, so if you're here and you like slasher content stay tuned. And again, thank you for sticking with this story, I almost wish it didn't have to come to an end, but their fate is up to your imagination now.🖤

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