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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

Evan withheld his emotions further as he saw Nigel make his way back towards him. He didn't know why he began to do such a thing.

The both of them kissed each other and neither of them held back when it became evident what both wanted. His own need to hold back at this point was just for his selfish reasons. He didn't want...to fall into it yet.

"Well, Mason and I talked it out," Nigel started once he stood right in front of Evan, "His feelings are greatly hurt, but he isn't upset with me. He, unfortunately, holds ill-will towards you since he feels like you aided in such a thing."

"What? You kissing me back?" Evan spoke up quickly, snorting as he saw Nigel raise an eyebrow. "He's only a sophomore...what does he know? If he wants to be mad at anyone, I'm the perfect one for that. I could care less how he feels about me or the situation."

Evan set his eyes back onto Nigel, seeing him look at him with an expression he couldn't read. He found himself not even upset about the situation or that someone saw him kissing a guy. Actually...he never even took that into consideration at all.

What if...Mason exposed what happened?

Evan had no interest in having to handle such rumors and drama.

"And, if you're wondering, I had him promise me that he wouldn't tell of what he saw." Nigel spoke up, causing Evan's eyes to widen on him. "I don't think you want people knowing that you and I were kissing in the library break room. To be honest though, I don't think anyone would believe him to be begin with. Still, just to be cautious."

"Cautious...huh?" Evan breathed, inhaling sharply as he found himself...happy to hear that. "I kissed you first, and yet I'm not even gay; or bisexual."

"I know, it's all so confusing for you; but how do you think I feel?" Nigel asks him seriously. "I refuse...to even consider going out with a straight dude who has suddenly become bi-curious. It's a risk I'm not willing to take. It's too much on the heart."

Evan watched as Nigel walked past him now and he turned around. He saw him log off the computer as he started to pack up his things.

"It's not six yet." Evan informs him, but he saw Nigel almost seem to be in a rush. It seemed that Nigel was off-putted...irritated even. He didn't want to end things like this despite the fact that he wasn't sure what to say himself.

"I'm leaving early...I can't concentrate right now. You're...confusing me. I'm kinda irritated because I don't think you like me. I think you're playing with my emotions and are just confused because it's like what I said before. How people tend to...grow feelings for those that give them the attention they're not used to seeing or having. Right now...I think that's what's happening right now with you towards me. Because if I think about it...what do you even like about me for you to want to just kiss me like that?" Nigel questioned him quickly, looking back at Evan's face.

The both of them looked at one another in silence. Nigel only heard silence as he waited to see his lips move once. The stillness of his lips and his unwavering gaze threw him off. Why wasn't he speaking, why wasn't he answering the questions he needed answers for, was this really all a game?

"Are you bored?" Nigel inhaled sharply, seeing Evan shake his head calmly. "Then...please just answer my question. I'm practically begging you at this point."

"I can't answer them, why the fuck do you think I haven't said a word?"

"You're lying to me you coward." Nigel snapped sharply, causing Evan to look away. "Straight guys don't just kiss a guy they just became friends with. They don't do that! I was straight once you know, and I know when I realized that I wasn't straight anymore. Except I remember when I was straight and never once did I have that desire to kiss my male friends. It would've never crossed my mind, ever. Yet, you want to take showers with me and share a bed and do all of this stuff with me with no shame... What are you so afraid of? You're only confessing such stuff to me. What is there to hide, besides your dignity?"

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