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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

"So...you're just not going to try anymore against Sal?"

"Nope, I don't care anymore." Nigel did the necessary work in the library, ignoring Evan's stares of absolute shock. "I have lost interest entirely. If he wants to get that dumb crown that'll mean nothing in a few months, let him have it."

Evan looked on at Nigel like he was a completely different person. Because before his eyes, it was liked he was a new person. He wasn't passionate about the revenge he wanted to get against the bullies that hurt his friend.

He now seemed...dejected from the whole idea.

"You signed up...so what are you going to do now? Just...drop out?"

"I guess so." Nigel says with a bored tone, glancing over at Evan who looked completely perplexed. "Why do you even care? You're normal, this shouldn't be something you want to do anyway. I have lost interest entirely, maybe it's time you do the same."

Evan felt his hands ball up on the counter, glaring at Nigel who looked at him plainly. Only to see Nigel snicker and place a book in a cart.

"Or are you an undiagnosed psychopath?"

"Definitely not." Evan snaps quickly, Nigel looking away from him.

Ever since Nigel came back, he wasn't the same. All of that desire to get revenge and the excitement of it was dulled, if not, eradicated.

He got used to...the revenge idea of things and liked Nigel so much that he incorporated such a thing into his mind. He made that revenge plot a part of him and for it to just end like that...?

Evan grabbed Nigel's arm, seeing him look at him.

"You're...only doing this because I called you out. You are a supposed psychopath, right? So why do you even care if I say that or not-?"

"You ignorant fool, I already told you, I wasn't born like this or go undiagnosed. I lost my hearing and damaged parts in my brain that caused this to come out of it. Look it up since you spout such ignorant things, car crashes and certain damages to the brain can cause psychopathic behaviors to arise. I am aware of what normal is, but I can't go back to that. Did you listen to anything I fucking said in my house?" Nigel snaps at Evan in frustration, yanking his arm away from him.

Now that left Evan feeling awkward as he looked away, his eyes closing tightly. He felt angry tears building up in his eyes because when he was at his house, it ended just fine.

Almost like that issue was solved, only for Nigel to come back to school and have no motivation for anything but this stupid library. As he practically...lost himself in the books.

"You were fine when I left your house a couple of days ago. We ended on a good note...and this is how you come back?"

"I let you see what I knew you wanted to see so that you'd leave me alone." Nigel tells him truthfully, causing Evan to look betrayed. "You can take that how you want."

"I'm taking it badly, what the fuck Nigel?" Evan questioned him angrily, causing Nigel to look away again.

He twisted around from the counter, walking out of the library as he no longer wanted to be in there. Evan took himself to the office and looked at Nigel's name written on the board. Along with his friend's name, Sal.

Grabbing a pen from the counter and ignoring the lady questioning him, he scratched out his name. Writing his name in replacement, he looked over at the woman who was shocked by his actions.

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