Isabella Swan (2)

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Trinity's outfit

Trinity's outfit

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Luis' outfit

Trinity removed herself from the doors of hell as she led the hand of her mate, Luis Cullen

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Trinity removed herself from the doors of hell as she led the hand of her mate, Luis Cullen. They both talked about their past.

"I remember when I would hide from every living thing that crossed my path." Trinity stated, Luis held her cheeks with a smile.

Luis took her hand gently. Leading her down the stairs as they conversed, their shared white Maserati parked beside their adoptive siblings cars.

Edward kept an eye on the mortal he shares a bond with. The sound of tires screeching had caught the entire parking lot's attention.

There in the near distance was a long dark grey van it drove into an uncontrollable swerve and slipped toward the Cullen attraction. Isabella Swan.

Centimeters before it crashed into the faint orangish red Chevrolet truck, Edward had disappeared from Alice's side and speeding toward the Chevrolet.

Before the long gray van could crash, it dented the tire's shield but halted in a diagonal position on all four tires. Trinity noticed the bronze hair of Edward.

"Edward, you bonehead." Rosalie cursed, Emmett dragging her toward their white jeep. Alice and Jasper seated inside their gray car and started driving.

Trinity and Luis had already started leaving, heading to the exit of forks high school. "Rosalie lecture time." Luis said seriously.

The white Maserati car parked right outside of the official hospital where Carlisle worked, Trinity walked in with Rosalie, equally angry with Edward as her.

They explained the situation with Carlisle after he inspected Isabella Swan. Trinity and Rosalie glaring at Edward momentarily.

"You need to be more careful, Edward, we don't want the attention of the Volturi." Trinity sharply whispered, peering at the stressed mind reader.

"I know, Trinity. You think I don't know that." Edward looked away but showed a bit of sass.

"Then stop making it obvious." Trinity pointedly stared at him, Rosalie nodding in agreement.

"This isn't just about you, it's about all of us." Rosalie paused when Carlisle introduced the mortal, eavesdropping on their lecture slash conversation.

"Can I talk to you for a minute." Carlisle took both Trinity and Rosalie's shoulders, signaling that they need to give them space.

Trinity turned away while Rosalie took a minute to tell Edward to behave himself, the three Cullens walked away back to the hospital.

The invisible girl sat back in the passenger seat, feeling the tense aura around her mate, Luis.

"What's wrong?" She turned toward the six foot five vampire, he turned toward her and looked strained.

"Did you meet the Isabella Swan girl?" Luis asked. Trinity furrowed her eyebrows before gasping in realization and earning a nod for confirmation.

"Does she have a gift?" Trinity's mate nodded again to confirm the gift of Isabella Swan.

The other Cullens nodded knowing that Isabella was now under our protection from the Volturi, the most powerful coven currently.

Rosalie was agitated by that potential fact and Trinity was only focusing on the pros toward the situation.

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