WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1

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Reactions before/after Epilogue:

(I will be doing alternate history for some of these. Since my version is the crimson axis war didn't happen, some of these videos will be related to that war like in the anime/game.)

- Battle of Jutland, Taranto, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Samar (Task Force Taffy 3)

- HMS Dreadnought

- Britain's Triumph: The Surrender of the German High Seas Fleet

- Naval Legends: USS Texas

- WW2 (Current reactions)

- Genshin Impact (Next reaction after WW2)

- Greyhound scenes (After Genshin)

- The Fighting Lady

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Bismarck Sabaton

- Battleship 2012 scenes, Hacksaw ridge scenes

- The Pig War, Napoleonic Wars

- How Nuclear power works (maybe to be accepted)

- Star Wars Navy battles (Most specifically Scarif, Endor, Scipio, Corusant, etc.)

- The New Order Documentary (It's basically 'what if the axis powers won?'. It's really good)

- Battle of Myeongyang, Admiral Yi (maybe to be accepted)

- Pirates of the Caribbean (maybe to be accepted, maybe I'll add some Azur lane elements)

- Bismarck documentary by animarchy history

- Naval Legends: Yamato, Yamato (2005) scenes

- The Great War of Archimedes (Might do a shortened version of the film)

- "I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun

- Halo Battle of Earth (maybe to be accepted)

- Isoroku Yamamoto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet movie/scenes (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Storm Over the Pacific movie/scenes (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Tora Tora Tora (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Genshin Impact (maybe to be accepted/reacted to)

- Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick

- SCP 3000, Steven HE, Kantai Collection

- Roon and Hans (maybe to be accepted)

- MSG 3 Snake/Big Boss (Essex) vs Boss (Enterprise), (maybe to be accepted)

- World of Warships AMV - High Free Spirit

- Tank Fish Dead Ahead, including more World of Warships gameplay

- Attack on Pearl Harbor (Crimson Axis history)

- What your favorite warships says about you Pt 1-3

- Transformers, Venator Class Star Destroyer, Pacific Rim 1st movie (Pacific Rim equel had potential but ruined, at least there's Pacific Rim: The Black. These are maybe to be accepted)

- USS William D. Porter (unlucky, so unlucky that it nearly got the President killed)

- USS Kearsarge, USS Arleigh Burke, USS Zumwalt, USS Midway, USS Montana (more future warships reactions confirmed)

- USS Forestall (another future warship, I will include the fire disaster that happened)

- What if USA joined Axis instead of the Allies (more alternate history)

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