The Angry Birds Movie (Final)

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The climax continues

Mighty Eagle somehow sees the battle from his mountain. He goes back into his cave and looks at an old poster of himself. He is either inspired or definitely scared

"Just try and fly, dude. And get in shape" Hornet says

"Lil' Enty coming at you with some Douglass rhymes! Can't even break away and form a principality, cuz you're a b*tch and I'm an eagle of possibility!" Enterprise raps 

(Full "Grey Ghost" Rap Song coming out next chapter. Definitely not a song about Enterprise just roasting Akagi)

Back to reacting

"Okay. I want you to curl up into a little ball, alright? Make yourself aerodynamic" Red instructs

"Like this?" Bubbles asks as he inflates

"To the left! To the left!" Chuck says

"Let me at 'em!"

"What can he do? He's so smol" Ark Royal says

"It will surprise you" Unicorn replies

"Launch!" Red yells

"Don't mess with Bubbles!" Bubbles yells

He hits none of the houses and crashes on a wooden dock

"Get him! Heat pile! Hog pile!" A group of pigs say

Bubbles then inflates

"I told you not to mess with me!" Bubbles shouts as he destroys a couple of houses in the process

"How does that even... what.." Ark Royal says

"Game logic.." Unicorn states

"Wow, that blows. I-uh, in a good way!" Red says

"What else could blow badly?" Z46 asks

"Bomb, as in the bird" U-47 replies

"And many other things... like ships when they get bombed at Pearl Har-" Akagi tries to say as Kaga smacks her

Chuck and Bomb then try to aim Stella

"To the left!" Chuck yells

"Oh. Hold on, wait. My left of your left?" Bomb asks as Chuck groans

"My left is your left. We are facing the same direction!" Chuck says

"Right. Good call" Bomb says

"Just look where the last bird went and adjust from there" Red comments

"Good advice, if you play the games..." Laffey says

"I got this you guys" Stella says

"Can you show your bubble ability?" Javelin asks

Stella gets launched from the slingshot and screams. She goes in the houses and jumps off them. After breaking a glass wall, a house falls over her. She escapes, but the pigs find her

"Bruh... I mean it doesn't make sense... but what ability does..." Javelin says

"Terence being a chonky boy does..." Laffey says

"Oh yeah" Javelin says

"She got far, but not far enough" Red says

Army Pigs throw plungers at Stella

"So they got cars... ships... army.. plungers... what's next that's somehow advanced? Planes? They don't even have guns" Columbia says

"Get her out of our town!" 

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