Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

I'm so glad to see you all here again, taking part in yet another ONC. For me, this is the third time participating.

Before I start, let me wish you all the best of luck and a lot of fun in this contest. I can't wait to read your wonderful entries.


I'm one of those writers who prefer to write their ONC novella from scratch, getting inspired solely by the offered prompts.

Two years back, one prompt tickled my imagination and I wrote Away with the Fairies. Last year I chose two prompts to write A Week with a Prince.

This year I found too many amazing prompts! It was impossible to choose just one or two, there were six prompts which entered my mind and wound themselves into a story (which, as of today, still exists only there).

Three of them will be (I think) more prominent in the plot than the others:

33. They had their arrow aimed at their target's back, a perfect shot despite the crowded ballroom. Taking a deep, steadying breath, they pulled the bowstring taut and prepared to let the arrow fly. But then their target turned and looked directly at them, finding them in the eaves as if they'd known they were there all along. The target winked.

38. A seemingly bottomless pit was found, for which the depth can't be determined. Over time, scores of people began using it to illegally dump trash. Many have jumped believing that they'll find life's answers within it. Today, we learn the truth about the hole.

78. If it gets dark once a month, then come the angels to town. What if these angels are not innocent ones and only are here to destroy the world?

Let's see if you'll spot the others as you read 😄

Finding Heathcliff will be the kind of story I've never done before: a young-adult, dystopian, paranormal, enemies-to-lovers fantasy-romance 🙈

I know! But it's not my fault, it's the prompts 😄

I solemnly swear that I'll try to bring this idea to at least the 20k words required. The first chapter will be out soon (hopefully, as I don't want to drop my other ongoing project, Let it Snow!, while writing this one).

Thank you for checking out this story ♡
Happy reading and writing everyone!

Thank you for checking out this story ♡Happy reading and writing everyone!

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