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A frightened gasp escaped Astrid's lips at the sight of the bottomless blackness opening in the ground so close behind her.

As she stared into the black hole, mesmerised by its fathomless depth, her eyes started to adjust to the darkness which it emanated, and she noticed how strangely unnatural it looked.

Even though on the surface the crack was long and irregular, an opening that could have easily been caused by an earthquake, only a few metres below it became perfectly circular and smooth, or rather conical-- Astrid perceived how the round walls of the pit seemed to be coming closer together, their perimeter diminishing farther from the opening. It was like looking inside a deep well or an inverted, hollow hill... Like the one above Starling, on top of which her castle stood, but here, instead of a road, a spiral staircase, crudely cut into rock walls was leading into the darkness, winding its way around and around...

"Lady?" Azrael's soft voice pulled her from her reverie when she remained silent for a long while. He gave her time to collect herself and meet his eyes before he pulled her to a safe distance from the pit, where the other men stood waiting for them.

The girl was scared, Azrael could feel her trembling in his arms. That's what he was hoping for, that the sight of the pit would frighten her, and make her change her mind. Oblivis wasn't a place for someone like her. But he understood that she would not return home, despite her fear, even before she realised that he was still holding her, too close for her demon's comfort-- Azrael could feel, with a strange satisfaction, that she didn't mind his closeness for herself-- and took a step away from him.

"So this is the pit. Lead the way, Azrael," Astrid said.

Her voice shook slightly, making Azrael want to scoop her in his arms and fly with her to a place where no one would find them... No. He would simply carry her back to her safe castle and leave her there, out of his sight and mind. She didn't belong in his life, she was a complication he couldn't afford...

"Lead the way, Azrael," Ramiel repeated seriously, but Azrael could hear his laughter in his mind, followed by a thought, Focus! The way is long and dangerous, we can't fly them all down, we will have to walk.

Azrael nodded to Astrid while he replied to his friend mentally, Don't worry about me. Just keep an eye on the demon. His men are safe, but I don't trust him.

Azrael saw Ramiel nod in reply as he stepped over the rim of the pit, his bare feet finding the first step easily, even as Astrid accepted his hand and followed him, the soles of her shoes slipping slightly on the smooth black rock.

"I always wondered how can you walk barefoot..." she muttered more to herself than to him, making him laugh as she slipped again, and he, anticipating it, caught her in his outstretched arms.

"Maybe we should stop talking and concentrate on our steps, Lady? We'll never reach Oblivis if I'll have to carry you all the way," he said, one eyebrow raised teasingly as he let go of her, keeping only one of her hands in his.

Astrid smiled, she was sure that carrying her to the bottom of this pit, or the end of the world, would not be a trouble for him, she could perceive powers she couldn't name within him, he was strong and self-confident.

"But I have too many questions!" she whispered when she looked over her shoulder and noticed that despite her clumsiness, they were much faster than the rest of their group, and a wide gap started to form behind them.

"All right. I answer one of your questions, and then you'll answer one of mine, and so on. How does that sound?"

"Perfectly unfair!" Astrid called in pretend indignation, barely suppressing a giggle. "You can already read my thoughts."

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