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Maddie woke up the next morning to Jude running his hand through her hair, and trailing kissing down her shoulder. She smiled, facing away from him, pretending to still be asleep.

He didn't seem to mind though, as he continued to play with her hair, twirling it around his finger, occasionally pulling a curl straight, then watching it bounce back into a soft curl.

Maddie realized he wasn't trying to wake her up, he was simply just playing with her hair and kissing her. She had the best fiance any girl could ask for. He was so sweet and caring.

She stretched before rolling over to face him.

He smiled at her sheepishly.

"I didn't mean to wake you up, I couldn't sleep." He said, leaning down to kiss her lips gently. She nodded, before kissing him back and glancing at the clock. It was only seven, it wasn't too early to wake up, no matter how bad she wanted to stay in bed.

"Let's go to breakfast." She said quietly, sitting up.

"You sure? You look tired." He said, sitting up with her.

Maddie smiled at him. "I'm always tired, but I'm also pregnant and starving." She said dramatically, making Jude laugh.

"Alright, let's go to breakfast then, if you're starving." He said, teasing her, with a smirk on his face.

"Okay, but I need to take a shower first." She said, jumping out of bed.

"Me too, and you know, California is in a drought, maybe we should conserve some water." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at her playfully.

Soon, they got to the diner near the clubhouse, and had breakfast, then went to the mall. Maddie was in serious need of new clothes. In the last two weeks, it seemed like she doubled in size. Nothing fit her anymore except for some summer dresses that she had, but soon, it would be too cold to wear them, but she kept putting off buying anything else, but after breakfast, Jude insisted that they go buy clothes and not wait anymore.

As they walked through one of the stores in the mall, with Jude trailing behind her, looking at his phone, Maddie picked a few pairs of jeans and some shirts.

"Ooh, you should get dress this for after Brooklyn is born." Jude said with a smirk.

Maddie looked back at him and started laughing, making Jude look at her confused.

"That's a shirt." She said, holding her stomach.

"No way, this is definitely a dress." He said, shaking his head.

"You wish." She said with a smirk before walking off.

Jude put the shirt down before following her around the mall for another hour without complaint. Another example of what a great guy he was.

Once they finished, they went to the grocery store, buying things for the house and for dinner that night, so much had been going on lately, they haven't been shopping in a couple weeks.

By the time they got home, Maddie was exhausted, so they decided to watch a couple movies, and Jude decided to barbecue for dinner.

"You don't have to go to the clubhouse today?" Maddie asked softly as she laid on the couch, watching 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' with Jude. It was one of her favorite movies and she finally got Jude to watch it with her, she knew he would never read the books, but he seemed to be pretty interested in the movie.

"No, today I'm staying in with you." He told her with a smile, running his thumb over her hand.

She smiled.

"I'm glad I got to spend today with you... After yesterday..." She whispered.

Jude explained everything that happened with Kandy, Noah, and Kandy's brother after they got home from the mall, she needed to know, even though he thought she didn't, but she had to know so that she could move on.

"I know." Jude whispered, kissing her cheek gently. "It's all over now though. No one is going to come between us, you know that. I would never let that happen." He said before rubbing her stomach gently.

They both laughed as Brooklyn kicked Jude's hand. She had been kicking a lot lately.

"Are you hungry?" Jude asked.

Maddie gave him a look before he laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Of course you are, why do I even ask? I'll go start the grill." He said before pausing the movie and getting up. He leaned down, kissing her cheek. "I love you." He told her, looking into her eyes.

"I love you too, Jude. Always." She said before getting up. He went into the back yard, and she went into the kitchen to start making a salad and some garlic mashed potatoes to go with dinner.

She smiled as she watched Jude fire up the grill through the kitchen window.

Guys, I think there is only one more chapter before the epilogue!!!

What do you guys think of the book so far?

Also, I know I usually don't do this, but since the next chapter is kind of important, let's set some goals for this chapter?

The last chapter got 34 votes in 7 days, so I will post the new chapter when this one gets 40 votes, and 3 comments? How does that sound? I've already started writing the next chapter and I should have it finished by tomorrow!!!

I really love hearing your feedback and comments on chapters, they motivate me to update quicker, so PLEASE comment and vote, and follow me. Thank you all so much!!! <3


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