Risking It All

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I'm locked in some kind of basement without any windows and because of that I don't know if it is a day or night right now. A dim light of the hanging lamp starts making me nauseous. I'd cut the ropes tied on my wrists but I can't reach my knife under my skirt. Maybe I'll try for one more time to untie it. Suddenly, to the room comes Heinrich. I haven't been eating for a few hours but I wanna puke just at the sight of him. ''(Y/N), do you miss your friends?'' - he asks in a sarcastic tone and glances at me as he wanders closely. ''Apparently, your beloved officer does.'' He turns his head in my way when he abruptly stops with a loud click of his boot. ''His troops are now marching in this way. That means they took the bait. Yes, yes, (Y/N). He's coming to save you.'' He starts snickering, giving me a pitiful look. ''But you won't see him because he will fall into my trap.'' Laughing loudly, he leaves the room. I glimpse at the door that has been just shut with a bang and I start releasing myself but the more I try it the more scratches leave the ropes and now they even begin to bleed slightly. In frustration I sob a little, still hearing the echo of Heinrich's laugh outside. Then to the room comes Baumann. ''It's hard to believe that we finally caught the famous fighter from the French Resistance. But your jolly time has came to an end. Now you will pay for all your damages you did to my company.'' He pushes me back so strong that I fall on some crates. I hiss in pain, totally sure that because of their sharp edges I've got new bruises on my lower back. Even though I'm trying to get up. ''I'd like to finish you off right here and right now but it'd be too easy.'' He pokes me with his shotgun to move toward the door. ''Schnella!'' I'm literally pushed to go outside, though I'm not sure where exactly he's taking me. I notice that there're much more soldiers than before. It's no longer a village but a military camp. I tighten my fists in anger but I remain silent. ''Get in!'' I'm forced to go inside the truck and when I turn back to see what he's going to do, I get hit with a gun in the face and I fall down but I don't dare to move. Despite some strands of my hair now covering my eyes partially, I notice a drop of my blood on the wooden floor. It's a good occasion to try to runaway but my head hurts too much. A soldier sits down next to me, presumably to guard me. So for now I will try to discreetly loosen the ropes.

The drive doesn't take long and when the truck stops, Baumann comes to drag me out of here. I see that we're in the middle of a forest. Everyone there seems to be in a rush. Heinrich has a serious talk with Baumann, showing something on his map. I take a peek to see what he's pointing with his finger at. Those must be their current positions and the other marks are probably Turner's troops. So they're preparing for a battle. I wonder if Turner was informed about the possible danger. Baumann then grabs my arm painfully to take me along with them. We stand on top of a hill and at the bottom of a slope is a country road. Baumann takes his binoculars to look at something in a long distance, but he still keeps his tight grip on me. ''He's coming already. Aren't you happy?'' I look over my shoulder to see how many soldiers are hidden behind us. They're all waiting for Turner to come. ''Now you'll watch me kill that lieutenant the same way your friend Rousseau did to my brother.''

''Your brother was a war criminal! He killed hundreds of innocent civilians!''

He slaps me across the face and next grabs my chin to make me look straight at him. A single tear rolls down my cheek. ''He was a remarkable officer in Berlin because of his loyalty for the country. Don't you dare to badmouth him.''

He sounds so proud of him that it makes me scoff. ''So he never told you what he really was doing.''

''You-'' He raises his hand again but Heinrich interrupts him. ''They are coming.'' Baumann wraps his arm around my neck and hisses to my ear: ''Let's find him.'' With a mad smirk on his face, he forces me to go with him down the slope. On the way I get rid of the ropes from my wrists. When we are far enough for Heinrich not to see us, I start to squirm to make Baumann stop for a moment. Then I bite him in his hand and move my head back to hit his nose. ''You bitch!'' He loosens the grip on me and I immediately run away from him. Unfortunately, he is a better runner than me and soon he catches up with me and pulls my hair to stop me, but he slips and both of us roll down the hill. I get up quicker than him and run in the way I see familiar troops. A smile shows up on my bruised face when I notice that the man leading the squad is Turner.

''Turner!'' I'm so happy to see him that I forget that I'm being chased. 

Turner grabs me by my shoulders and worriedly looks up and down at me. ''(Y/N), who did this to you?!''

''You have to turn back! Krauts are hiding at the top of a hill to lay a surprise attack on you!''


''(Y/N)!'' - I hear Baumann shouting. I turn around to see furious Baumann standing behind us and pointing the pistol at Turner. The moment he pulls the trigger, I stand in front of Turner, raising my arms protectively. BANG. I close my eyes for a moment but then I realize that the three of us are still standing. I slowly look down to check what is gradually increasing pain under my collar bone. I drop my jaw in shock, seeing a tiny hole in my jacket and a crimson red stain getting larger second by second. I've been shot in the chest. Right at this moment Nazis lay a surprise attack on us but Turner keeps his stern look at me. With tears in my eyes, I turn back and say weakly: ''T-Turner...'' I feel so weak in my legs that I fall in his arms. But then Baumann reloads his gun and tries to shoot again but Daniels shows up in time and shoots Baumann in the chest. Daniels then nods at Turner and runs ahead, leaving me and Turner alone. 

Pierson leads the men in the battle but Turner is still with me. ''Medic! I need a medic!'' His hands are shaking as he looks around for a medic. ''(Y/N), don't close your eyes! Please, you have to stay with me!'' He picks me up in his arms and runs ahead. ''Medic! Where is a goddamn medic?!'' But no one comes, no one answers. 

''Turner...'' With the rest of my strength I raise my hand to touch his face. ''Thank goodness, you're safe.'' Then my hand slips down as my vision suddenly gets blank.

''No, no, no, no! (Y/N)!!'' 

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt