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November 1944

My hometown finally regained freedom but there's still a long way to restore normal life here. Together with my team I'm helping citizens to repair their homes and clean up the leftovers of the war. Rousseau persistently forces me to stay at home because I'm now five months pregnant, but being with my team is the only way to stop overthinking about Turner, who is currently on the front line or like others say - in a living hell. Since the last month he has been sending me shorter letters and recently even sporadically, which is abnormal for him to do so. I'm aware he's too busy to write but I've a bad feeling about it...

''(Y/N)?'' - asks Rousseau, waking me up from daydreaming. ''You have been staring at the desk for almost an hour. It's not the first time when you can't focus on your paperwork. Maybe you should take a rest now.'' 

''I've made up my mind.'' - I stand up rapidly. ''I'm going to join the Red Cross.''

''What?!'' Bewildered Rousseau springs to her feet, staring in bewilderement at me.

''Maybe I won't be able to meet with Turner but being closer to him is better than endlessly waiting for his return here.''

''But this is too risky for you and your child! No, I'm not letting you go anywhere!''

''Camille, you know the best how agonizing is a yearning for the loved one...'' A single tear rolls down my face at the sight of which Rousseau lets out a heavy sigh. ''This feeling is too heavy, I can't bear it anymore...''

''Fine.''- she decides after a long thought and adds in a warning tone: ''But you're not going alone. I'm coming with you.''

As a token of gratitude, I hug her tightly. ''Thank you.''


The next day we joined other volunteers to set off toward Germany, where we would take care of wounded American soldiers. The chief nurse was at first against the idea of taking a pregnant woman along but after telling her my story, she turned a blind eye to this detail and allowed me to do only light tasks. It wasn't a week of my new job when I have learned about Turner's platoon being stationed nearby.

''What are you doing?'' - asks the chief nurse, watching me getting into the same truck as her. 

''I heard you're going to the Hürtgen Forest. I need to deliver an important message to one commander.''

''Miss (Y/N)!'' - hisses angrily the lady as she leans closer. ''Didn't you hear how dangerous that place is? We've already lost a few medics not so long ago and I don't want to burden my conscience with another lost.'' 

Before she could pull the flap in front of my eyes, I raise my voice, almost outshouting the crowd. ''It'll be my last mission here and I'll leave the organization, I promise.'' 

Although clearly unwillingly, she eventually lets me get into the truck and soon we arrive at the camp, but to my surprise the First Platoon is already gone. So I've begun searching for the squad on my own...


Tired of walking for hours, I take a seat on a thrown away large tire and next sip the rest of my water. The echo of shooting in a far distance gets gradually louder as if the battle is drawing closer to me. That means I need to keep my only weapon, a pistol given by Turner, at the ready. Suddenly, a loud thump interrupts my temporal break. I turn around to notice Stiles, weighed down with several rifles on his back, laying flat on the path.

''Get your lazy ass up!'' - shouts Aiello, arriving right after him. ''You'll take a nap later!''

''Aiello? Stiles?''

Hours of Glory (Turner x Reader)(CODWWII)Where stories live. Discover now