Chapter 10: Brothers

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Chapter 10: Brothers

Jessy was still jumping up and down excitedly because her brother had told her about the romantic kiss between him and her best friend. Inwardly, she celebrated herself all the more for having asked Phil to keep [MC] busy during the party preparation phase. Somehow she had already nurtured the ulterior motive. But she didn't hold out a lot of hope. Phil wasn't exactly known for his long and intense relationships.

And [MC] was so attached to that creepy guy.


Jessy was still undecided about her opinion of him.

Like the most of the group....

The way he had threatened you remained unforgotten. And Lilly was the first one to forget.

And [MC] had never cared....

As infatuated as she'd always been with him....

Sure, that Jake-Guy had helped find Hannah. Admittedly, he had also played a very big part in it.

But the question remained: why?

The click of the lighter jolted her out of her thoughts.

Maybe [MC] would manage to break him of this unhealthy habit.

" That's like, what, the fourth now?" she asked suspiciously.

"The third," Phil replied annoyed.

"In two minutes.", Jessy giggled light-heartedly. Her strategy to bring up an uncomfortable subject but without provoking an argument. Usually it worked. But increasingly rarely with Phil. This time she seemed to have been lucky. Her older brother just took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled the smoke. Not even provokingly deliberately in her face, as he usually did in such a situation.


I stumbled out of the women's toilet. Ignored the words of my friends. I glanced briefly at the bar counter without knowing why I was doing so. The sound of the tap was still in my head.



I opened the heavy entrance door. A cold breeze enveloped me. The senses must have set a while ago. However, the moon could only give a little light through the thick dark clouds. On top of that, being a child of the big city, I was used to a larger frame of light pollution. With several blinks, my eyes tried to adapt to the darkness.

"[MC]?", I heard Phil's astonished voice from the right side. Automatically I turned to him. I couldn't help but look at Jessy's grinning face. Somehow, in an indescribable way, it frightened me.

" Did you try to find my brother?" she said in a tone that confirmed my fear. Confused, I looked first at her and then at Phil.

"Phil told me about the kiss you two had," she explained, with a friendly elbow jab to my side, the reason she spoke so in matchmaking mode.

Phil's eye roll indicated to me that he didn't seem particularly enthusiastic either.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air," my voice was emotionless. A wonder, considering the emotional chaos the memories of the kiss triggered in me.

My alcohol level, highlighted by the change from warm to cold, did the rest.

I suddenly felt so warm inside, almost burning hot. This was reflected in the telltale blush on my cheeks. And then there was Phil's mischievous smile. It was my heart that I was currently at war with.

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