Chapter Fifteen: The Hunt

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    "Just knock on the door." I huff and push Cletus forward. He holds his camera up at the ready. He glances back at me, a look of doubt on his face. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Jenny?" He asks. "Oh, you're such a wimp sometimes, you know that?" I groan. I lean past Carter and bang on the door.

Stacey POV

    I hear the banging from the kitchen and make my way over. I open it a crack and find Jenny and Cletus standing there. "What the hell are you two doing here?" I demand. "Stacey, who is it?" Alex calls out. "We were just hoping you two could give us an exclusive story," Jenny says sweetly and leans forward on the door, trying to push it open. "I reach over and push Jenny back out of the doorway. "You two need to leave now," I say angrily. "Get your hands off of me!" Jenny yells. I let go of her and hustle back to the door, but Alex walks over and holds it open. Jenny shoots me a smug look before looking back at Alex. "Mr. Carter, I see you're interested in telling your side of the story concerning your new relationship." Jenny practically gags on the last two words. "Let me make this perfectly clear, I have no intention of speaking with either of you aside from this. If you don't leave this property in the next two minutes, I'll have you arrested for trespassing. Exclusive enough for you?" Alex asks and slams the door in their faces.

Jenny POV

    I go to knock again, but Cletus catches my fist and shakes his head. "Don't knock again. It's not worth it. They don't want anything to do with us." He sighs. "Well, that's too bad. I have a story to write and no one, not even Alex Carter, is going to stop me." I say firmly. I pull my arm out of Cletus's grasp and slam it against the door. Shouting, "I know everything! I know she murdered her stepfather. I know all about it!" Cletus grabs my shoulder. "Enough! Let's just go before he really calls the cops." He drags me away as I continue to scream out.

Cletus and I drive to Zachary's grocery and are about to cash out, when we hear Chuck and Maria are deep in conversation. "I told you not to bring up the murder anymore." Chuck has his hands on his hips as he talks to Maria. "I'm sorry, Chuck, but Stacey wanted to know about it." He sighs, "What exactly did you tell her?" Maria hedges a little, dragging the toe of her shoe in the dirt. "Not much. All I said was the cabin Mr. Carter bought had a bad history... That Sheriff Dan's daughter had been killed there and that it might be haunted..." Chuck's eyes widen. "Not much? You call that not much?" I smile and turn to them. "Excuse me, but did I hear you right? There was a murder in the Alex Carter cabin?" I ask. Maria shoots a look at Chuck who's shaking his head in anger. "You two were talking so loud, we couldn't help but overhear." I laugh, "Is that why Mr. Carter purchased the cabin? Because of the murder?" Maria waves her hands in denial. "Of course not. The murder happened years ago. It's still an unsolved mystery. Sheriff Dan's daughter died there, but it didn't seem to bother Mr. Carter." Chuck is wild with anger. "Maria, that's enough!" He hollers. Maria squeaks before taking a step back, allowing Chuck to hustle her out of the grocery store. "Interesting..." I mutter. "I know that look. The 'I think I smell a dangerous story' look...I hate that look." Cletus sighs. I lightly elbow him in the stomach. "Stop being a baby. This is too juicy to pass up." I smile. "Even juicer than who Alex Carter is dating?" Cletus asks curiously. I nod, "Of course. Think about it. Why would Alex Carter be interested in buying a haunted cabin?" Cletus shakes his head, "You do realize you're taking the word of an old gossip, right?" He points to a window where Maria and Chuck seem to be arguing outside. "You never know where our next story will come from, Cletus. It wouldn't hurt to check it out." I shrug.

Zachary Caldwell and Wally are bringing in inventory from the back when I spot them. I wink at Cletus before approaching Zachary, who has two boxes in his lap. "You're Sheriff Dan's brother, right?" I ask. Zachary gives me a once over, his eyes growing narrow. "Yes, any reason you're asking me this?" He demands. Zachary holds his boxes to Wally before shooting a glare at me. "I was just wondering if there was any connection between your brother and Alex Carter," I say. Wally raises a brow, "Alex Carter?" He repeats and takes a step next to Zachary, "Why would you think that?" I shrug, "Well, don't you think it's strange he purchased a cabin knowing the sheriff's daughter was killed there? Most people wouldn't want to live where someone was murdered. Especially an unsolved murder."
"Not everyone is bothered by death." I whirl around to find Sheriff Dan squinting down at me, arms crossed. "Sheriff Dan." I laugh, "Speak of the devil." He takes a step forward, glaring down at me, "No devil here, ma'am. I don't know what business you're running, but as the sheriff, I should warn you... We don't take kindly to outside prying into our personal lives." I nod, startled by his intensity, "Y-yes, sir." He nods, "Stick to your gossip and periodicals. If I see you asking about my daughter again, I'll throw you out of town myself." Cletus takes a step next to me. "You can't do that." He says firmly. "You wanna try me?" Sheriff Dan scoffs. His chest puffs out as his hands rest on his hips. "Let's just go, Cletus. We're not going to find any answers here." I sigh.

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