Chapter Seventeen: Suspects

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One hour later, after we found a message written in blood across the wall, Sheriff Dan and his deputy show up at the scene. "I'm sorry, but you're not going to be able to stay here tonight. This has become an official crime scene." Sheriff Dan says. "It's not a crime scene." Alex sighs, "Someone came in and painted some words to try and scare us off. Why? I'm not sure yet, but this has to be some kind of ruse." Sheriff Dan shakes his head. "Mr. Carter, I may not be a fancy businessman, but I know blood when I see it. That's blood. Who or what's blood, I can't answer just yet, but when we find out, I'll let you know. In the meantime, this is my crime scene. I can't have you accidentally tampering with evidence. For all I know, you and your girlfriend are behind this." Sheriff Dan nods toward the bloody message. "Sheriff, I think you're going to want to see this. Whiskey found something." The deputy says. Dan turns to me, "Whiskey is our cadaver dog. He was donated to us a couple years back." I take a breath, "Does that mean there's a body? Like a dead body?" Dan shakes his head, "Not necessarily. You two stay put while I go check things out." Dan looks around the cabin, "I still hate coming here..." I nod, "Because of your daughter?" My question earns a shocked look from Alex. "Among other things..." Dan trails off.

    After Dan leaves, I cross my arms and face Alex. " what are we going to do? We can't stay here if it's a crime scene." Alex shakes his head, "It's not a crime scene." I roll my eyes. "When I googled your bio, it didn't include police officer." I laugh. "Doesn't mean I'm wrong," Alex says. I shrug, "Either way, it looks like Dan's finally found a way to get us to leave town." Alex shakes his head, "No. I won't let that happen." I raise a brow, "No? Then where will you go?" Alex shoots me a look. "You mean where will we go? I'll figure something out." He says. "I know you don't want to leave town, but we could head to the city. That way we'd still be close. I'm sure there's a hotel somewhere." Alex shrugs, "That's quite the drive just to sleep. Maybe I'll just buy another house here." I blink, " could do that?" He nods, "I mean, I have the money, but that's a little excessive, even for me." Wally is sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. I walk over to him. "Are you okay, Wally? I know that must've been a shock, but we're here now." Wally looks up, trying his best to smile. "You're right. I'm not alone. You two are here with me. You know, if Sheriff Dan really won't let you stay here, you could always stay with me at my house." He offers. "You have a house?" Alex asks. I narrow my eyes at him, then turn back to Wally. "I do. It's small, but you can share the guest bedroom." Wally says. I smile, "Thank you, Wally. That's really sweet of you."

    "I don't think that's gonna happen, Wally." We all turn as Sheriff Dan makes his way back inside. "What?" I ask. "We've found the source of the blood. Those two reporters that kept hounding you– they've been murdered. I'll have you know that you two are my number one suspects." My jaw drops open in horror. "You're not serious." I gasp. "I am." Sheriff Dan says firmly. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. "Don't worry, Stacey. I have the best lawyers at my disposal." Alex says quickly. "I'm not sure those fancy lawyers will be much help. It doesn't look good when one of the suspects has murdered before." Sheriff Dan says, a hint of a smile on his face. "He's right...and it's my fault. It's my fault they're dead." I gasp.

Joyce POV

    "Dalton Carter, are you spying on our son?" I demand tapping my red Christian Louboutin heel against the marble floor of our study. "Dammit, woman! I've told you before. Don't sneak up on me!" Dalton tucks his cell phone away, but it's too late. I'm already onto him. "I visited Maggie...I couldn't talk any sense into her. If only she'd tell everyone what happened that night. How can she care so little for her own son?" I demand. "He'd find out the truth no matter what. He always was an inquisitive and stubborn child." Dalton sighs. "Like someone else I know..." I sigh. Dalton shrugs, "Lionel and I were always stubborn. You and I have done everything to give Alex a decent upbringing. We've taught him right from wrong. And yet–" "And yet what?" I ask, "Dalton, don't tell me you're worried about Alex's judgment." Dalton shrugs, lazily rocking in his chair. "I've told you before, I worry about that dark streak Lionel had." I nod, "Yes, but it's not like that's hereditary. Lionel was always troubled." Dalton shakes his head, "But why? He had the same privileges as I did growing up. What was the difference? Why was he a sociopath who hurt anyone that got too close to him? He was narcissistic and vindictive. When I think of what he did to that poor girl." I shake my head, "You don't know if he killed her. There was no murder weapon. All we know is that Maggie Caldwell was alive with two dead bodies. Her daughter Charlotte and her lover Lionel." Dalton nods, "The police assumed she killed Lionel for Charlotte's murder, but there was never any proof. She went mute from the damn shock of it all..." He sighs, running a hand over his tired face. "I don't know if I should tell you this, but when I visited her at Crest Ridge...she talked to me." I say quietly. "What?" Dalton gasps, "She hasn't spoken in years! What did she say?" I sigh, "She said Alex had evil in him." Dalton shakes his head, "She really is crazy..." I shake my head, "It's not funny, Dalton. I think she really believes it. After what happened with Lionel, maybe she really believes Alex is evil."
"Well, I won't stand for it. For all we know, she murdered her daughter and my brother." "Dalton–" "No!" He yells, "I won't put up with her speaking or even thinking of him this way. Alex is a good man." Dalton's eyes narrow, as if he's hatching a plan.

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