58| familer faces

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I feel like I'm going to be sick

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I feel like I'm going to be sick. I can't even think as August and I follow one of the police officers. My sickness is in knots, and my mouth is dry.

August grabs my hand, stopping me from digging my nails into the palm of my hand.

I'm not sure what's going to happen after this or what I'm going to do. What are you even supposed to do when you find out that someone tried to kill you? I stand behind the glass window that shows a view of another room.

I swallow the lump in my throat when the door opens and an officer and two other people walk in.

One of them being in handcuffs and the other holding a clipboard. August squeeze my hand, making me look at him.

"Are you alright?" He mouths. I look toward the room again before looking back up at August. I shake my head, being honest with him.

How could I be okay? Was I such a bad person that someone tried to kill me?

My eyes widen when I spot the man's face. I instantly remembered him. His blonde hair was messy, and his skin was paler than when I first saw him. I swallow before turning to the officer.

"He was at my auto shop." I breathe. I had never met him before that day. I don't even know his name.

"I don't know him, though." I mumbled, not being able to take my eyes off of the man that was handcuffed to the metal table.

I glanced at August; his jaw was tight and his eyes were dark. He looked murderous.

"I just did it." I heard the guy's voice cracking and his eyes darting around the room. He kept messing with his hands like he was nervous or scared.

His face was pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in a week.

The detective wrote down everything the man was saying. I hate being here; I just want to go home. It's hard just being here.

But I had to. I need to hear why. "Can you tell us why?" The woman's voice was muffled due to the separation between the rooms.

"I was...I already told you." He looked down at his hands. "I just did it." My stomach dropped slightly when his eyes darted up.

I felt like he knew I was there. His dark eyes were bloodshot and dull.

Sucking in a breath. "I can't be here." I rushed out of the room. My chest was tightening, and my breathing was coming out quickly.

Next thing I knew, I was in August's car, hyperventilating. My legs were pulled up to my chest.

I couldn't even think. I just know I can't stay in there, in that room, in that place. The driver's side door opens, and August gets in.

"I-I..I didn't even know him.." I rush out, my heart pounding and my mind racing.

I couldn't even control my own breathing. It was like my mind and body weren't actually mine. "Why? What d-did-" August cuts me off.

His large hands cupped my face. He wipes his thumb across my wet cheeks, wiping away the tears that have fallen.

"You didn't do anything. None of this was your fault." His voice was stern and angry, like he was so mad that I could even possibly think it was my fault.

My breathing had slowed, but tears were still falling.

"But-" He shakes his head. "No. It's not your fault. How could it be? That guy is just fucked up in the head." My head drops in defeat.

August pulls away, starting the car, and pulls out of the parking lot of the police station.

The car was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. I sit there in my seat with my knees to my chest as my thoughts run wild.

It wasn't long until we were at August's apartment. When we get to his apartment, he asks. "Do you want something to eat?" I simply shook my head, walking past him and into his room.

I just leaped onto the comforters of his bed and rolled into a ball. Tears filling my eyes.

All I wanted to do was go to sleep but I couldn't stop crying. How could the universe be so cruel?


My body jerks awake. My breath rushed due to the vivid nightmare I had. I look down at my shaky hands, hating how my nerves seem to go ballistic at any type of memory of the accident.

I look around the dark room. The spot next to me lays empty, and the only light shining through the window was from the moon.

When I hear the muffled sound of someone talking, I climb out of bed. Chills burst over my body due to the cold air.

I'm still not used to how cold August keeps his apartment. I quietly step into the hallway, trying to listen to what August is saying.

"I don't fucking care how hard it is, just get it done." His voice was deep, and it was filled with anger.

I spotted August pacing around his living room as he spoke to whoever it was he was talking to.

He looked so tense and irritated. His jaw was tight, and his fist was balled. "It can be done, correct?"

Clearly getting the answer he wanted, he spoke again.

"Then do it." He spoke harshly before ending the call.

When he finally spotted me, he visibly relaxed. Stalking towards me and immediately pulling me into his arms.

August lets out a shaky breath. I wrap my arms around him, feeling his body slowly relaxing under my touch.

"What was that about?" I asked quietly. His hold on me tightens a bit. He let out another breath against the crook of my neck before he spoke. "Just some last-minute business decision." He mumbled against my skin.

August pulled back, his arms still around my waist. His hazel eyes searched my face. "Are you hungry?" He asked, pushing a strand of my messy black hair out of my face.

I shook my head. "Can you just come to bed?" His eyes softened, and he gave me a soft smile, nodding.

 "Can you just come to bed?" His eyes softened, and he gave me a soft smile, nodding

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Sorry for the short chapter.

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