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I've been working at Knights and Co for five years now

How it all started was a big surprise even to me.

I had been twenty two at the time and I was in a very dark place

I had dropped out of school two year before after my parents died...

My parents were not rich but they did pretty well for themselves... we could afford the basics and still had some to spare for leisure

All had been well up until I got a call while in class that my parents had died in an accident

My world had come crumbling down on me...

My dad's brother that I had never met suddenly shows up claiming that my dad owed him a debt and he was going to take the house and half of the money my parents had left behind

I had been young and stupid to let him have everything just like that, I wish I knew what I knew now then... I would have fought him for everything he took

But now there was no need crying over spilled milk..

For two years I was literally killing myself everyday trying to survive.. I worked two jobs and on the weekend three...

I was always exhausted and always going in and out of depression

By the end of the second year, everything had gotten to the last straw..

To top it, the landlord was on my neck... I was late on rent and some bills where also piling up

I couldn't do it any more

I was tired and ready to give up on life because what was the use of living like this

The rope was already positioned on the ceiling and all I had to do was climb the chair and take the final step to my death

And I did so

My head was making its way through the hole in the rope when a loud notification went off on my phone

I was shocked out of my action... a message?

These days I never got those.. after what happened to me I lost my friends with how busy I was, I couldn't keep up with them and slowly we just stopped talking

So I knew that the message certainly wasn't from anyone I knew

Sighing I had gotten down the chair and went over to where I had placed the phone on the bed

I opened it and was surprised at the message that was just received

"Good Day Miss West , we are glad to announce to you that your application to Knights and Co. as a personal assistant was successful, you are hereby invited for an interview on Monday 16th May by 10:00 am. Kindly come well dressed"

I read it out once more to make sure this was real and not just my imagination

I was confused because I hadn't sent my resume out to any company... was this one of those scams done on people? I wondered

So I decided to search up Knights and Co and was surprised by the outcome... it was legit alright

It was an electronic and publishing company that had just recently changed CEO.

Soon after, I began to search up anything that was going to help me in the interview

Yes ... I was certainly going

There was no way I was going to pass up such rare opportunity

It was better to at least try

And so I had decided to postpone my sucide for later.

On Monday, I woke up extra early and prepared before setting off to the firm

I had used my last savings that I had been keeping for the bills to get myself a decent dress shirt and pencil skirt..

Once I got to the firm, I looked myself up again to make sure I atleast looked presentable

I was not a tiny woman.. I was however a short one

A short lady who just had too much of everything..

Fat thighs, big hips, large breasts, slightly bigger than normal eyeballs, fuller lips and least I forget a rounded belly..

I always tried hiding them with the kind of baggy clothes I wore but today they were more prominent seeing as I had to look smart and all

Taking a deep breath, I had walked in to see that I was majorly underdressed

Most of the people I saw by the lobby looked like they were models and not company workers and the older ones dressed with class and a level of shopisticatedness to them

I suddenly felt like I was at the wrong place

Soon after, the receptionist I had previously spoken to directed me to an elevator and told me what floor to stop

I walked by what looked to be the CEO's team office with six individuals in it... I had said a shy hello to them which they replied cheerfully

That gave me hope that maybe it wasn't going to be all that bad.

By the time I got to the station where three others waited to be interviewed, my anxiety came back with a force

They all looked so smart and presentable, I couldn't help but feel like the odd one with my plain blue top, black skirt and won out plumps

Even without going in I had already felt like a failure

All four of us where called into the CEO's office soon after and the interview began

There were three people there

CFO. Mr Romeo, CMO. Mrs Valentine and CEO. Mr knight

Yes... I did my research. I just wanted to do well

"We have just one question for you all. How best do you think you can perform in this position if you are given the job?" Mr Romeo had asked

And the rest had started answering the questions so smartly, using their educational background as an advantage

I already felt like I had lost even before trying when for the first time Mr Knights spoke up

"You" he said pointing to me

Mr Knights was an intimidating good looking young man which from my research was a nineteen year old

He had taken over the company after the death of his father

"Answer the question" he had said to me, his grey eyes penetrating my soul

I sat up, feeling nervous at suddenly being in the spotlight

"I -I..I might not have the adequate degree for this position but if I am given the job, I will work like my life depends on it" I said shakily

I could hear the snickers from the rest of the interviewees but Mr Knights gazed remained on me

"You are hired" he said

I could here every ones gasp on top of mine

"Really?" I asked still surprised...

He stood up and looked at me with a straight face.. "really" he replied and began to walk out of the office

Then he turned back to me last minute

"And Miss West, be confident about who you are. Educational background isn't everything, competence is" he said to me and walked out the door

With a congratulation, Mr Romeo and Mrs Valentine left too while the other interviewees left after throwing glares my way

From that day, I held a huge respect for Mr Knight

1219 words

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