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We got back to California in the evening of the next day.

We left Italy early in the morning after Angelo came to see us off

Fortunately, the trip was different this time with me and Atlas talking again.

He was back to always finding a way to touch me but this time I didn't run from his little touches

I didn't know if we were a couple yet but I knew that I was finally taking my chances with him

As soon as we got out of the airport, David was there to pick us up

We both stayed in comfortable silence throughout the ride as Atlas continued to rub his thumb on the back of my hand that he was holding

Soon after David drove into Atlas's drive way, by the time we were out he said his good night to us both

So there I stood awkwardly with my luggage in front of Atlas not knowing what to do or say...

This dating thing was still new to me

He kept a smiling as he stared down at me, the intensity of the look in his eyes had me looking away

"Eh-I should be going home now. I will see you tomorrow" I nervously stuttered out before turning to leave

His hand shot out and stopped me before I could take a good two steps away from him

"Would you take offence if I ask you to stay the night?" He asked me nervously

When I remained silent in consideration, he spoke up again

"It's late and I want you to be safe, moreover it's not like it's the first time you would be spending the night here. You used to sleepover when we had a lot of work to be done before a project of when we about to make a business trip and work at the same time" he began to ramble

I smiled finding it so cute how he was getting nervous from just asking me to sleep over

"It's okay, I will stay" I said, shyly smiling at him

He gave me a bright smile and took my luggage in his free hand before taking us both into his mansion

After taking my bag to the room I usually occupy whenever I was here, I changed into more comfortable clothes

By the time I got back to the living room, I heard Atlas in the kitchen just right around the corner

There he stood in all his glory, now changed from his suit to a black polo and jumper

He looked yummy in them but then again this was Atlas Knight, he always looked good regardless of what he was putting on

I began to fiddle with the bottom tip of my shirt, he looked so good I was beginning to feel self concious of my own body

How can a man like him want to be with me?

It still felt so surreal to me

Maybe I made a mistake wearing this short, I thought beginning to feel self conscious

Maybe I should quickly go back and wear something longer

Before I could move, Atlas voice met my ears

"Lana, why are you standing there like that?" He asked looking at me with a smile

I immediately met his eyes as I forced a smile, "oh nothing, I just wanted to ask if you needed any help" I said nervously

It wasn't a complete lie, I did in fact come here with that in mind

It was my turn to be nervous now

Karma truly was a bitch

"No, there is really nothing to do. In fact I'm almost done. You know pasta is a simple meal, but if you really want to help then how about you set the table" he suggested giving me a smile

I nodded shyly and immediately scurried to the dinning table

I couldn't still believe we were somewhat of a couple now..

I mean who would have ever thought that Atlas Knight would be interested in me.. me!!

I must have been thinking so hard because I didn't feel when he came behind me until his arms wrapped around me from behind

My eyes widened surprised as I tilted my head to the side to look at him

"What are you doing Atlas?" I asked nervously

He gave me a cheeky smile "can't I hug my girlfriend?" He asked me smugly

His girlfriend?

His girlfriend!!

Why did that make me feel like a  was squealing like a school girl?

"Girlfriend?" I asked wanting to confirm that he had in fact said that word a few seconds ago

He slowly turned me around and I looked up at his serious face, "yes.. you are my girlfriend" he said seriously

An idea came into my head and I smiled to myself "but from what I can remember, you never asked me to be your girlfriend. I only agreed to giving us a chance" I teased him using his words against him

His eyes narrowed as a gloomy look took over his face "oh.. I never thought about it that way" he said sulking

I had to tighten the muscles of my mouth in order not to burst into laughter

Times like this, he was just so cute

His face suddenly brightened, "well then, Lana West you know how smitten I am of you and how everyday I fall for you even more. Will you accept my heart and be my girlfriend ?" He asked sincerely as he looked at he hopefully

His words took the playfulness out of me immediately as I stared at him in surprise.. if anything, this was not where I was expecting my teasing to lead

"Why aren't you saying anything Lana?" He asked me beginning to sound upset

"Are you sure Atlas? Are you sure you want to have that kind of relationship with me?" I questioned, my doubts beginning to resurface

He cupped my cheeks and leaned down so that his face was so close to mine that I could feel his every breath

"Lana you are all I've ever wanted for a long time now, just being here with you feels like a dream to me. I've never been so sure about anything as I am about the way I feel about you. Please don't doubt my feelings towards you" he begged as he stared into my eyes

"Then my answer is yes, yes I will be your girlfriend Atlas" I said smiling brightly at him

He grinned as he hugged me close to him "thank you Lana, I promise you won't regret this ever." He promised

And I believed him

1117 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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