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Lizzie POV

"Alright everybody I am so excited for our next guest, she's the star of the hit series Wandavision, please welcome Emmy nominated actress, Elizabeth Olsen!" Jimmy introduces me and I take a deep breath before walking out and waving at the audience.

This is huge. I'm here to talk about Wandavision and the Emmys but most importantly, it's the launch of my relationship with Y/N officially and although I'm very excited, I'm also nervous.

I know this will probably thrust us into the spotlight for a while but I just hope it isn't crazy. I don't want anything to ruin us. I just want to protect Y/N, but I also want the world to know that I love her with my entire heart. No more hiding.

"Hi Jimmy!" I greet once the clapping stops and I sit down.

"Hello Lizzie, welcome back, how are you?" He asks and I take another deep breath.

"I'm great! I'm so happy that Wandavision is doing so well and that I get to talk about it all the time." I share with a smile.

"It's phenomenal and you are great in it. Congrats on the Emmy nomination by the way." He reminds the audience that cheers for me.

"Thank you, that means a lot. I found out while in my garden and it was a weird moment." I share and he nods, reaching for the picture I know he's been told to ask about.

"This is the moment right?" He asks and it flashes up onto the screen as he shows it to me.

"Yup, that's me. Finding out about my nomination in my jungle." I confirm and he laughs.

"So who took this picture?" He asks. "I mean, it can't be Robbie. I'm sorry to hear about your recent break up, by the way, I know those things can be hard." He adds on sincerely and I nod. He's very good at shifting his tone and just talking to people normally despite the slight change in direction.

"Yeah I mean, it was hard. But, these things happen for a reason. We are still friends and always will be. We just weren't meant for more than that." I explain.

"Very well put. So we know it's not Robbie behind the camera...who was it?" He asks, leaning in to exaggerate the mystery.

"Oh I wonder." I tease and laugh as the audience shouts out guesses.

"I mean I have a guess." He reveals.

"Oh you do? Do tell." I continue to banter and he smiles, laughing a bit to himself.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say that we've seen the pictures...you aren't sneaky Ms. Olsen." He teases and I hum in thought as a few flash onto the screen.

I smile at the pictures of Y/N and I hand in hand throughout LA and bite my bottom lip softly when the last one is put up of us kissing. My hands are on her hips and hers are on my cheeks as we kiss softly in front of our apartment in NYC. I smile wider at the memory of her telling me she bought my old apartment.

"And is that Scarlett Johansson with you?" Jimmy points out with a laugh and I can't help but giggle at Scar in the background looking both annoyed and enamored.

"That is Scarlett." I confirm. "And yes, the garden picture was taken by my girlfriend Y/N." I confirm finally after all the teasing. The audience gasps and hums in approval at the admission and it makes my shoulders relax.

"Oh my goodness, a confirmation! Y/N Y/LN the producer right?" He pushes and I nod.

"That's her. She's lovely." I blush and he grins.

"She better be, I'm sad I haven't gotten to meet her yet. She's very mysterious." He decides and I laugh.

"She's not one to be in the public eye." I agree. "But, yes she's my girlfriend and well, we actually have known each other for a long time." I share with a smile.

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