4 ~ Dream

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Lizzie POV

The next two weeks are pretty normal. Y/N goes to work and I do some work from home. I have a bunch of Wandavision interviews and magazine shoots to do so we both are kept busy enough.

She comes home to me every night with a smile on her face. Sometimes she brings flowers, or dinner, or dessert and it's all I ever wanted.

It's so simple and so domestic and it's everything I want with her.

The news of our relationship is still pretty popular. Apparently there are paparazzi following my bug around, or camping outside the studio. She assures me that it isn't anything new and that there are always cameras at the studio. But this is the first time they are focused mostly on her.

I worry a little about how it's affecting her but she seems completely normal.

"Lizziebear, I want my cuddles!" She yells down the hall as I make sure the doors are locked and everything is cleaned up.

"Coming, bug." I respond and roll my eyes playfully at the sound of her giggles. What a dork.

I smile at the sight of her under the covers and lean against the doorway to our bedroom. She wiggles her toes under the blanket and smiles as she pats the space beside her.

"Let me get into my pajamas, baby." I remind her and she nods. Her phone starts to buzz so she takes it off the night stand and answers as I get undressed.

"Aiden? Buddy what's wrong?" She asks panicked. I turn quickly and rush to get my shirt on. It's way too late for him to be calling, something must be wrong.

"Auntie." He whines and Y/N sits up, leaning closer into the phone.

"I'm here bud. Auntie is here." She whispers and frowns when all she gets back is a whine. I quickly slide my pants on, my heart hammering in my chest.

She presses the mute button and looks up at me helplessly. "What's wrong?" I ask and slide into bed to look at the screen.

"I don't know he...he might be having a panic attack or something." She whispers before unmuting it.

Bug: Aiden buddy, can you tell me what's wrong?

Me: Hi alligator.

Aiden: I saw them

Bug: Who honey?

Aiden: Mama and dada

We look at each other and I realize what he means.

Me: You had a dream bud?

Aid: Mhm

Bug: Oh aid, I'm sorry that you had a bad dream

Me: Do you want to tell us about it?

Aid: No. It was scary.

Me: Okay, you don't have to tell us. Can you go get Mia or Marie or Derek?

Aid: Okay.

We hear shuffling as he navigates through the dark house with his iPad up to his face and smile when we hear Mia.

Mia: Aiden? What's wrong bud?

Bug: Hey kiddo, Aid had a bad dream and needs some sister snuggles.

Mia: Oh, hi aunties.

We smile and wave at the iPad once she turns on her lamp so we can see what's going on.

Bug: He said he had a bad dream and saw your parents.

Aid: They were scared Mia.

Mia: You saw the crash?

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