Part 1

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Carina's POV

"Morning bambina" I said to Maya as soon as it reached 6am, at this point I was already awake and showered as I had to be in the hospital by 6:30 for my shift whereas Maya didn't have to be in until 7am.

"It's early carina...." She replied still half asleep.

"I am aware but you have work in an hour and you need to be up and dress and how a shower because you stink" I told her as she rolled onto her back and sat up.

"Okay okay I'm up baby" she said with her eyes closed but still sat up.

"I'm heading to work Bella, I'll be home around 7pm but then I'm back in at 6:30 in the morning and again I won't be in till 7" I told her.

"Oh okay baby but I'm on a 24 hour shift so i'll see you tomorrow, want me to pop by the hospital tomorrow so we can have lunch together if you have time ?" She said smiling at me this time actually awake.

"I'd love that bambina, maybe from that place around the corner from the fire station ?" I asked hoping she would pick it up for us.

"Yeah i love that place, I'll pick it up on my way over, just text me a time and I'll be there" she told me.

"Thank you bella, I love you" I said before I kissed her goodbye and headed out the door giving her a little wave as I go.


Once I arrived at the hospital I barely had time to have a coffee and walk upto my office before I was paged to the E.R. 28 year old pregnant woman, 32 weeks along with abdominal pain.

"Hi, I'm doctor Deluca-Bishop , I heard you have been having some abdominal pain, can you tell me exactly where it hurts and how would you describe the pain ?" I asked the patient.

"It's like I stabbing pain right in the middle of my stomach" she told me in pain.

"Is it okay if I give you an ultra sound to see what is better going on ?" I asked her as she agreed. "Okay this gel on your stomach is going to be a little cold" I tell her as I apply the gel and start with the ultrasound.

"Okay so I have some good news, as far as I can see your baby is perfectly healthy and nothing seems to be wrong with your pregnancy, but I know that something is indeed going on but it's not my area of expertise so I'm going to ask another doctor to take over your case, however I will be on standby if anything changed with your baby, you have no reason to be scared, it was great to meet you miss Green and I hope the next time I see you is when I will deliver that beautiful baby of yours" I told her in a positive voice however I was confident that something was going on with her pancreas, so I paged general and headed upto the OB floor, that woman was so kind, I really hope everything works out for her.


Once I headed upto the OB fall I started to round on my patients and check in with everyone as well as doing a few discharges, 3 for woman and their babies and one for a woman who had a still birth, before moving to America I had never lost a mother or their baby but since working here it is a monthly occurrence, it's nothing I do, I go over their case every time. It's just the shitty health care here, woman can't afford to keep up with their prenatal vitamins let alone afford to give birth in a hospital. I know as a doctor it's unprofessional but as soon as I leave the patients room or the OR I start crying, a loss like that is so heartbreaking and devastating for the mother I could never understand how they are feeling, I grieve for everyone of them and I remember every single one of them. I just wish I know how they were still doing, the women or the family who unfortunately lost them.

The rest of my dad was just filled with a few c-sections and some ultrasounds, over than that I was sat in my office doing paperwork.

Once my shift had finished I headed home grabbing takeout pizza on the way, when I was there I bumped into Teddy.

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