Part 9

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Maya's POV

That was the best possible outcome to me meeting my sister that I could have imagined, I thought I'd just meet her this one time and be done with it, but no, she seems like such an amazing person and I really hope that we can get to know each other more.

"Yo cap, do you know anything about this 5 alarm" Travis asks me as we all get into the trucks.

"High rise building down town, started on the fifth floor and is making its way up, currently on floor 7, people are still trapped above the fire line, that's all I know" I tell them as we arrive at the structure.

"Holy crap" vic says as we all get out of the trucks and look up.

"19" the chief says to us as she sees up arrive. "I need all of you in search and rescue, captain bishop I need you to coordinate from inside the building and give me any updates." She tells us.

"Got it" I say as we all put on our equipment and head inside the building.

"We stay in pairs, got it? No lone wolfs out there, and when the chief tells us to evacuate, we evacuate, no need to be the hero who loses their life" I tell them as they all nod and run off in different directions.

"Herrera over here, I've found another victim and they are still alive let's get them down" I shout at her from across the room.

Andy runs across the floor dodging the ceiling tiles that almost fell on her.

"Are you okay Andy?" I ask her.

"All good cap" she responds as she helps me grab the woman to the stair well.

We were about half way down to the ground floor when we came across another person lay on the stairs, we stop and saw that the man had a glass shard in his heart but was still breathing and awake and I begin to hold pressure around the area being careful not to move it.

"Herrera I know I said no splitting up but don't you think you can make it down the rest of our way on your own ? We can't move him because the glass might shift so we need a board and some more hands here" I ask her.

"Of course cap, I've got our back" she says. "I'll be back up in a moment" she adds as she starts heading down the stairs further.

"19 what's your status" I said through the radio.

"All good here cap, just found a room full of employees, heading down now" vic says over the radio.

"The rest of us have just cleared the top 3 floors and making our way down" Ben replies, thank for all of them are safe.

"How are you feeling" I ask the man on the stairs.

"You are going to regret staying behind, at least with her gone I have no witnesses" he says to me as I panic.

He quickly leans toward and grabs my radio from my gear, I try to react to stop him, I grab his arm but I have no luck, before I know it my radio is smashed up in the stair well.

"This wasn't my plan, kill me, kill them but I guess it didn't go to plan, until now" he says to me before he swiftly pulls the giant glass shard out of his chest and right into my abdomen.

I tried and tried to struggle to stop him but it just couldn't, the last thing I remember I was grabbing my abdomen and then everything went black.

Andy's POV

"Herrera !!! Where is captain bishop, I thought she told you to stay together." The chief shouted at me as I came out the building with my victim.

The paramedics quickly took her from me. "She in the stair well with a victim with a shard of glass in his heart, we couldn't risk to move him so I brought the other person down so I can grab a back board and another set of hands" I tell her.

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