Part 8

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Addy's POV

Omg I couldn't believe it, my twin sister was sat right in front of me, I've been waiting my whole life for this moment and it finally happened.

"Why don't why don't I get you guys a think and we can like, maybe get to know each other a little more, if that's okay with you?" I ask.

"That would be perfect" Maya said to me.

"What would you like tea, coffee, beer, soda ?" I ask them.

"A beer please" Maya replies.

"A coffee Per favore" carina replied adding some italian on the end, I have no idea what she was saying.

"I'll be right back" I tell them as I get up to go grab them their drinks and a tea for me.

"Here you go" I tell them handing their drinks, as Maya takes a swig. "So tell me about you, about you too"

"Well, where do you want to me start ?" Maya asks.

"How about from the beginning, tell me everything" I say.

"Well I was raised by my..... our parents, not like they were real parents anyway, along with my brother, I was pretty good at school and my dad pushed and pushed me into competing in the track team, eyes forward he always said, I trained every day and I didn't really have any friends while this one girl came around, so was so kind and the friend I always wanted until I realised that I was actually in love her with but it didn't last long, my life just carried on like that for the next few years, training, school, training and sleep. They put me on a strict diet, well he did. I thought it was a normal things dads did but as I started to grow up I realised that he was an abusive narcissist however he was the one who helped me win gold at the olympics. After that was over I decided that I wanted to join the fire academy and I absolutely fell in love with being a fire firefighter. That was all I was focused on, I had a few flings there and there but I mostly just did something I called self care Wednesday, no strings attached. I quickly then became a lieutenant at station 19 and I was next in line for captain, which happened 2 years later. My team didn't really like me being captain so I took them on a camping trip, long story short, after the trip I ended up in a bar when this very sexy hot Italian doctor sat next to me and asked me if I wanted a drink. 2 years later she became my wife and here we are today, finding out I have a twin sister." She told me, wow she really did have a complicated life.

"Oh come on bella, you forgot the best part on our wedding day." Carina told her.

"Oh yeah, the morning of our wedding I was getting ready with my bestie friend Andy when I decided to need to do something, I needed to go speak to my homophobic piece of shit of a father. I knocked on the door and just said what ever came to my head. "I'm a bisexual, a queer a guess they say now, and I'm in love with a woman and I'm marrying her tonight." I then basically told me he was a piece of shit and that my mum should come to the wedding and she did, I got her out of the house and get her up in a new apartment" she told me, what a bad ass she was but she kind of missed someone from the story.

"What about our brother ?" I ask.

"Mason... and to be honest with you I'm not entirely sure, he turned to drugs a long time ago and started living on the streets, I've tried to help him and bail him out every time, I love him so much but he won't accept help." She told me. "But enough about my life, what about yours ?" She asked.

"Well I moved around a lot as a kid, my dad was in the army and my mum works in project design so she could easily move around to where ever my dad was stationed. We lived in Seattle till I was 4, that's when we moved to Colorado and then Texas 3 years later, we then spent 5 years in England before being in Germany for 4 years, but that's when it was time for my dad to retire so we moved back to seattle, when I turned 21 they decided they wanted to travel more and are now someone in the Indian Ocean on a 6 month long cruise. I met my wife Sadie when we were 20, it wasn't anything exciting, we met at university, she was a chemistry major suffering with a drug addiction and I was majoring in computer science. After helping her through it sadie is now 3 years clean and we married right out of university. She went to work for a chemical lab doing something I just don't understand and I work for apple, coding the programs for the main frame of the website. About a year ago I decided I wanted a baby and so did Sadie but she was not too keen on carrying but I was totally up for it, so we found a sperm donor and I'm not 25 weeks pregant with a baby girl. Sadie is currently in Brazil doing some chemistry thing but she will be back in 2 weeks. And yeah that's basically it, I'm so grateful for the amazing life my parents gave me but a piece of me would have liked to have grown up with my siblings." I tell her.

"Well that's understandable, i think I would have wanted too if I'd have known" she tells me.

"Well I'm really glad that you decided to come today Maya, I'm sorry I acted a little crazy when you arrived, I was just so excited." I tell them.

"That's understandable, if that happened to me I would have had the same reaction" carina told me smiling as Maya's phone started buzzing as she looked at it.

"Omg, I'm so so so sorry for showing up on your door step all of a sudden, but I've got to leave, I've been called into a 5 alarm fire, all the stations in the area have to go but I'd really like to get to know you more if that's okay ?" She said to me super fast, it's her job I get it, a just wish she could stay for longer.

"No no that's fine, please, go and save some lives" I tell her and carina threw her the car keys.

"Please give her my number babe" Maya says to carina.

"Yes I will, love you bambina, stay safe out there" she tells her before she gives her a kiss and Maya runs out the door.

"I'm so sorry about that, both of our jobs require us to drop things at the last minute, we have this deal where if we only have one car the person who gets called can take the car and the other can find their own way back, it works best for us to get to our patients the fastest" carina tells me.

"Oh no it's fine, it's no problem, you guys sound like the most caring people ever" I tell her.

"Pass me your phone" she says to me as I hand it to her.

"I'm going to put both mine and mayas number in here, I know Maya would love it if maybe you too grabbed a coffee together to talk more because I'm sure she had a lot more to say and my number just incase you have any questions about your pregnancy or any worries, or anything in general really, you are mayas sister which makes you my sister too." She tell me as she hands me my phone back.

"You are so kind, thank you so much" I tell her as we give each other a small hug.

"It's no problem, but I better be heading off now, take care Addy" she says to me.

"Thank you carina, you too" I say as she walked out the door closing it behind her.

I'm really going to enjoy have a sister

Maya's twin sister Where stories live. Discover now