This Girl Just Won't Love Anybody!

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Summary: What happens when you just aren't feeling like falling in love?

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Villainess: Caihong, a simple woman who would rather open her bookshop than cater to the whims of love. In a world of backstabbing and betrayal, she rebuffs all advances of love.

Male Lead: Emperor Yunlong, the most powerful man in the empire and respected war veteran. He has several concubines, but no wife due to his inability to make children.
If given the chance between opening a bookshop versus marrying a powerful emperor...

I'd choose the bookshop in a heartbeat. And I did.

My life before my reincarnation was quite the journey. In my youth, I realized that I had no attraction toward anyone once I reached high school. At first, I thought that something was wrong with me and sought out the help of my cousin who lived with me at the time. This was when I discovered that there was a certain group of people who didn't have the drive for sexual or relationship love at all and it was perfectly fine to feel the way I am. I embraced that life to the fullest because it got me out of the fear of finding love or worrying about being rejected. I was free, I was thriving, and there was nothing my folks could do about it. I wasn't even thinking of having children anyways and planned to live out the rest of my life surrounded by friends and family who cared.

Until I got hit by a bus on the way home from work.

When I opened my eyes, I was in the body of a young woman named Caihong. This young lady belonged to a very toxic family of sisters who wanted nothing more than to tear their eldest sister apart. My two younger sisters were constantly trying to make me look bad in front of the court and would sabotage my attempts at wooing some handsome emperor. The scene I had opened my eyes to involved a secret tea party planned by the two of them with smirks on their faces and tea dripping down my face. The emperor was coming later that night for dinner since our family was quite an influential figures.

It was at that moment I realized that I could avoid whatever stupid fate that this life was giving this woman. What words I said next would change the course of history forever.
"Caihong, why don't you do us a favor and back down? There's no way you would ever attract the emperor with your ugly looks."

The shrill voice of my middle sister Lulong penetrated my ears. Lulong was born to our father's second wife and had quite an inferiority complex. She believes that she deserves a life better than what we are given and has made connections with the emperor's mother through beauty training. In fact, of us three, she has a better chance of becoming the empress. Who could blame her for her dark blue locks, warm brown eyes, and beautiful pale skin?

"I'm sure that some older gentleman would love a woman as plain as you. Why not just give it up now and live the rest of your life in shame?"

Sitting beside her was my younger sister MeiMei, who was the final child from the first wife and my real little sis. She grew up alongside Lulong and gained her spiteful behavior. She was a brilliant woman that spent her days learning poetry and art. She designed her clothing for the other noble ladies and gave me scraps that she had left over. Our mother favors her the most since she believes MeiMei will start a big business and bring honor to our family.

Both of them saw me as lesser than others since I had no skills or talents to call my own. The only thing I did all day was write in my journal and read passages from the local book peddler. I stood outside the lines and let them take over the courtly duties and conversations. Several thought I was just a shadow that hovered in the background of my two sisters.

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