Stalked By The School's Idol

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Summary: She returned to be a better person, but someone had other plans.

Villainess: Solana Morano, a girl who comes back from the dead a new person and strives to help out as many people as she can.


Requested by Weird_Core_User_


This I....doomed?

No...I can't...

As she began to pass out slowly, her eyes caught the one of the boy who had stabbed her. Her shock made her scream silently as she finally succumbed to her wounds.


Solana Morano was the biggest witch in school.

Everyone knew this and everyone feared her for it. She was loud, and manipulative, and never considered her actions as good or bad. Even though she had a pretty face, the girl behind the face was cruel. Because of this, all the peers that grew up with her in their class were dreading her actions for senior year.

"Dude, I am not looking forward to school today." Billy Johnson said, walking with his buddies Aster Allen and James Buster. "Especially since we all know this year will contain more of Solana. She's just so terrible!"

"If I have to hear her squeaky voice screech out vengeance one more time, I swear I'm going to kill her." James agreed, pulling the drawstrings on his hoodie. 

"Well look on the bright side fellas, this will be the last time we deal with her until college." Aster happily said, giving his friends a bright smile.

The boys laughed and nodded at this. No matter what would happen this year, knowing that Solana Morano was only their biggest obstacle for one more year made them hopeful for the new year. All around them, their classmates gave each other knowing looks as if they all agreed on one thing.

No matter what happens this year, Solana would not ruin our fun!

The second they all entered the classroom, they were in for a big surprise.

"OMG! What the heck is all this?" Becky Chase, the school's gossip exclaimed.

"No way, is this for real?" Stephanie Matters' mouth dropped. 

"We must have entered the wrong classroom." Layla Watterson shook her head.

In front of the classroom, wearing not a single modification of her school uniform was Solana Morano. The usual snobbish rich girl acts that she would put on for all to see were gone. Gone was the jewelry, gone was the expensive perfume and even no more makeup! Solana wore glasses, a big red pair on her face, and had her hair down in a ponytail. She was quiet, writing on the board a greeting for the new school year. Had it not been for the beauty mark under her right eye, some would have mistaken her for a new student.

She had...downgraded.

And it shocked them all.

"Good morning everyone." Her voice was even toned down, not a screech to be heard. "If you are all ready, let us begin to start the day."

"Dude...are you Solana?" Billy asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Of course Billy. You've known me since kindergarten."

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