xx. side eye

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wynbauer: Snuggle day with my favorite boy

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wynbauer: Snuggle day with my favorite boy.


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usera: god blue is so cute

userb: is he your favorite boy tho?

userc: who took this picture??

userd: love love love

violetbennett: 👀👀
— trevorzegras: 👀👀
— grahamcracker: 👀👀
— jackhughes: 👀👀
— jamie.drysdale: 👀👀
— wynbauer: Blue is my favorite boy, y'all need to shut your mouths and let me live.

usere: wtf is with all of them?! why are we sending her the side eye???
— userf: i wonder if trevor is being salty bc he's not there lmao. poor boy.

trevorzegras: Damn, he's a lucky boy. What a way to spend a lazy day.
— wynbauer: If only you were here, hotshot.
— trevorzegras: In my dreams, sweet cheeks.
— wynbauer: Honestly, mine too. 😘


userh: are they happening or not?? i need details.

jackhughes: As your second favorite hockey player, can I come over and hang out?? I'll catch a flight, idec.
— trevorzegras: No. Absolutely not.
— wynbauer: You're not even in my top five.
— wynbauer: Just kidding, that literally hurt me to type.
— wynbauer: I'll come to a game soon and we can hang after, deal?
— jackhughes: Deal.
— trevorzegras: Why does no one listen to me? I am hurt by this. Wyn is mine.

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