xxiv. some wyn time

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xxiv. some wyn time

      Almost three full days into her relaxing visit with her brother is the game against the Anaheim Ducks. Wyn had decided to surprise Trevor at the game instead of telling him she'd be there, wanting to withhold the fact that her brother is an NHL player for just a little bit longer. Even though she plans on introducing them after the game, which could be risky because one of them will be in a shit mood after a loss. Thankfully, though, she didn't arrive to the rink with her brother, so she was able to wear her Ducks hoodie (not wearing Trevor's number just so she doesn't fully distract her brother if he happens to notice her in the seats he had picked for her).

      Except instead of where she normally sits at the glass, he's put her in the WAG section with all the other women involved with men on the team. While she's wearing the opposing team and none of them have ever met her. The ladies look at her funny when she sits down in the corner, then takes out her phone and quickly buys a new ticket with her own money, snagging a seat closer to the Ducks' box while being almost rink side. She'll be able to see her boys but hopefully they won't notice her during the game. Without saying anything to the other people in her section, she gets up and relocates to her new seat and grabs a beer on the way.

Once settled in her new seat, she relaxes a little bit and starts scrolling through her phone and sipping on the beer. It's not long until the players are all on the ice and starting their warm up stretches. She watches Trevor with appreciative eyes, glancing to watch Brody every so often. Uneasiness builds in her stomach as she watches all the young, skinny girls at the glass try to capture pictures and videos of her man. Even though she doesn't really have a right to claim him because they're not actually official yet, she wants to scream at all of them that he's hers. But she's also so incredibly smug that that's her man, that she pulled him.

Once the game starts, she no longer even notices the fan girls and instead focuses on her three favorite guys on the ice (which includes Jamie). It interests her that Jamie seems to be herding him away from her brother as much as possible but the two keep getting in each other's faces, chirping away at each other, Trevor seeming to be the one instigating most of it. Jamie, though, spots her partway through the first period when he's slammed into the glass near her and his eyes widen. She quickly shakes her head and holds a finger up to her lips, not wanting him to point her out to Trevor. He nods, quickly focusing back into the game and skating away.

By the middle of the second period, her brother's team is already ahead by two goals and it's not going well for her man. It's a rough game to watch and her anxiety is high, wanting to celebrate her brother but also feeling bad for her almost boyfriend. She's also grateful none of the people around her are trying to hit on her. During the break between periods, she runs to grab a pretzel to snack on to quell her nerves. Somehow, it doesn't help, because almost as soon as the third period starts, a fight breaks out on the ice and the pretzel gets dropped to the ground.

      Trevor has tackled Brody and the two are wrestling around, not having hit the ground yet. She sees fists flying and everyone is watching, holding their breaths. The second the two fall to the ground, refs are there to split them up, both getting sent to their own penalty boxes. Wyn chews on her thumbnail while watching her brother angrily plop down in his box across the rink, then turns to watch as Trevor sits down so close to her without noticing. She debates breaking her silence then, to tell him she's here, but decides against it in worry that Brody will see them talking and it'll cause another fight on the ice.

       Since he didn't start the fight, Brody is back out on the ice before Trevor and manages to score one more goal before he's back out on the ice. It breaks her heart a little to watch the Ducks losing, even if she's incredibly proud of her brother. And there's no hope to saving the game, so she pulls out her phone and sends a quick text to Jamie that she's sure he'll see once he's in the locker room after the game. Not wanting to watch anymore, she runs to the bathroom and missed the finale of the game and her brother's team winning. It doesn't take long for her to get a response from Jamie.

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