Chapter 18

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It was a week later that anyone got informed that U.A. would be reopening in three days time so suffice to say a lot of people were either excited about getting back to class or groaning about how their time off was cut short, for those in class 1A it meant that they could all truly see that everyone was alright and could take comfort in being around the people who went through the same thing.

Izuku was fully healed by the time they got the news and Eri was practically hopping around eagerly to see her Aunts and Uncles again.

But there were some things that needed to be taken care of first, ever since the U.S.J Izuku had been having the same nightmares that often led him to stay awake throughout the entire night. Sometimes Kyouka was there with him during the nights and had helped him go back to sleep, sadly she couldn't be there all the time and would be back home with her parents.

The Café was closed and nobody was inside apart from Nemuri who was sitting by one of the tables with Eri who was playing with some of her toys, after putting on his coat his mother got up and gave him a hug.

"I'm still confused as to why you want to go to him Izuku," She said after releasing him from the hug, "You know Hound Dog is a licensed therapist, right?"

"I know Mom it's just... I've known him a lot longer than I have Hound Dog," Izuku admitted, "I trust him."

Nemuri sighed with a smile and ruffled her son's hair, "All right, I'll watch Eri while you go to your friend."

Given him a kiss on the forehead and him saying his goodbyes to his daughter Izuku walked out and drove to his destination, it wasn't a long drive per-say but it did make it easier to avoid people badgering him with questions he'd rather not answer.

After the short drive he arrived at a large apartment building that he was all too familiar with, with some hesitation he amended the stairs and found the door that he was looking for. Izuku knocked on the wooden door while staring off at the way he walked from, he contemplated whether or not he should do what crossed his mind before being ripped from the thought when the door opened revealing Jonathan Crane.

"Mr Midor- sorry, Mr Kayama, please, come in and make yourself at home," He said with a smile while letting the boy enter, he closed the door when Izuku stepped inside, "Did you find the place alright?"

"I used to live here," Izuku revealed, sadness evident in his voice, "Three floors up from here is where lived with my Mom when she was alive."

"Sorry Izuku, had I know you use to live here I-"

"Don't be, honestly, being back here is helping a bit, brings back good memories," Jonathan said nothing but nodded as he led Izuku further into his home, it was quite bland, barring a few pictures of his family and some oddities that the therapist found interesting.

When Izuku was seated on the couch Jonathan went to the kitchen while asking if the greenette wanted anything to drink, to which he requested tea, and after brewing a coffee for himself and Izuku's tea he handed them over.

"I don't get something," The green-haired boy eventually said as he sat there for a moment just looking at the cup in his hands, "Tea was invented in China, right? But why is Britain the one known for tea?"

The therapist paused for a moment as he thought about the boy's question before suggesting as he did not know the answer, "Maybe it's because of the amount that they imported or something? You'd have to ask Nezu about the leaf water that he likes."

"He'd probably also give a lecture about the bean water that you're drinking right now," Izuku said before taking a drink, "Before or after he hunts you down for that comment, I don't know."

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