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Lennox called.

"It's getting late.. We need to find her soon." Enzo huffed, before the sound of his stomach growled.

"And find food.."

Lennox glanced over at him after Enzo had muttered such words.

"After we find Lily, of course."

Enzo and Lennox continued to walk down through the crowds of people. Hope was starting to die. Too much noise and faces.

"If only we called the guards, we'd have no problem finding her." Lennox sighed as he continued through. It didn't take him long to realize that he was talking to himself. He whipped around only facing strangers trying to walk by.

"Enzo?! GODDAMN!"


Lennox heard his familiar muffled voice and whipped the other direction to see his only friend, carrying a fountain drink and a ketchup oozing burger.

"What the hell! I thought I lost you." Lennox shouted before realizing he was bringing attention to them, lowering his volume.

"My bad." He gulped down his burger as if it was the last food on earth.

"Just come on." Lennox grabbed Enzo's wrist, squeezing it and almost knocking over his drink.

"N-not too hard-!" Enzo whined due to the guard's strength.

They both had later stopped by a trashcan so Enzo could throw away his leftover trash.

"Enzo hurry."

"Yesss I knowww."

A scream could be heard close by. Sure it could've been mixed up with the rides nearby or a kid throwing a fit because he didn't win the toy he wanted, but it still captured the attention of both men. Everyone else went about there day as if they were in their own heads. There, a kid being picked up and taken by some blonde guy. The kid scratched and kicked almost hitting the glasses off the man's face.

"You seeing the same thing I'm seeing??" Enzo asked, scrunching his nose.

"Yeah. I do.... I bet sure as hell they have Lily to..."

They quickly started to rush over as the kid had been taken behind one of the stands. They wrapped around not wanting to disturb the public.

"Are we not gonna talk about how nobody did anything??" Enzo whispered.

"If it's not there's. They don't care."


"That's our world Enzo. These human traffickers are one of the hardest businesses to take out. Especially since governors are apart of it."

"Be a good little girl and listen." Liam brushed his fingers through the hair of the girl.

"P-please.." The girl croaked, weakening her struggle.

Enzo felt all his anxiety disappear. His body tensed up filled with another emotion.

"So pretty..." Liam smiled, but the smiled withered once he felt something cold touch his head.

"Put the girl down." Enzo stood behind him with a pistol directly pointed at his skull.

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