TWO | my savior

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Blue eyes.

When Melody opened her eyes she was met with a pair of brilliant blue eyes. Her body ached, and her mind was buzzing like a broken car stereo. She could only stare at the foreign eyes in confusion.

"I've finally found you," an all too familiar voice spoke. From every flashback and cut scene. Every advertisement. Every fan service package. She knew this voice. "Gabriel?" Her voice came out like a whisper. "Gabriel Ashe?"

He smiled, and Melody felt her heart squeeze. "In the flesh," he acknowledged. That's what concerned her! The fact her digital boyfriend was in front of her was all too concerning!

"Is this a dream?" She went to pinch her check but noticed she couldn't move her arm. In fact she couldn't her body at all. She was chained down to a bed. It was then that she realized Gabriel was hovering over body, his eyes wild with desperation. "Melody. Oh how you've haunted my dreams," he sighed.

His cold hand cupped her cheek. 'This isn't a dream,' she shivered from his touch. "The fact that you're in front of me now feels too good to be true," his voice seemed tormented. Like he was fighting himself. Or restraining himself.

"But you are here," his voice broke. A single tear fell down his cheek. He laid his head on her breasts. "You have a heart beat," he sobbed. She didn't know what to say. Her mind was running a mile a minute, and her heart was beating out of her chest. Gabriel Ashe wasn't the type of man to show his emotions so openly. 'Only when he was with y/n does the ice in his heart start to melt.'

That was the description of the Gabriel in the game, but there was never a time he cried. Never.

"I love you," he whispered under his breath. "God I love you," he laughed to himself. Melody didn't respond. She didn't know how to respond. This was too much for her. She only looked down to her chained hands. "Why am I chained to a bed?"

He frowned at her response. "So you don't run away from me." Melody lifted an eyebrow. He was the strongest swordsman, and magician in the whole Ashe kingdom. She wasn't stupid enough to try running away from him. Nor did she think she even wanted to.

"I won't runaway," she answered simply. Gabriel shook his head frantically, "yes you will. I know you will." Melody smiled at him, "I won't. I promise."

"Promises can be broken," he argued. "Then that's not a promise. That's a lie. I won't lie to you," she shrugged with what little strength she had.

He stared at her. "You promise?" Melody nodded, "I promise."

He only continued to stare into her eyes. He was searching for any sign of apprehension. Something to tell him not to trust her. "I love you," Melody confessed. She wanted to wipe away the tears from his face. To hug him. But these chains were keeping her from finally expressing her feelings to the man in front of her. She wanted them off.

Gabriel pulled a key from his robe pocket and began un-cuffing her hands. He stopped when he turned to her feet. "My feet?" She asked. He hesitated. Melody sighed as she sat up. "It's fine, we can start with this." She was tired, and honestly didn't care where she was she just wanted to go to sleep.

She looked to her right and noticed it was night time. She took in the room and found it looked familiar. "Is this your bedroom?" Gabriel happily nodded. He crawled over to her, his face only inches from hers. "I brought you here so no one would disturb us," he spoke in a low and dangerous tone. Melody couldn't help the blush that enveloped her face. "Where did you find me?" He frowned at her question as she openly ignored his advances.

'If I give in now there is truly no going back for me,' she reasoned with herself.

"You were in the middle of the Scarlet forest." Melody recognized the name. It was Gabriel's favorite spot to get away from the world. It was filled with maple trees, and in the fall the forest looked bright scarlet red. "I found you on one of my strolls. It was like lightning had struck my mind. Like the universe was telling me you were my Melody."

'My Melody,' she repeated his words to herself.

Melody laid back down on the bed and made room for him. Gabriel slid in beside her. He didn't hesitate to pull her close to his chest. She didn't imagine him to be the touchy type. He pulled the comforter over her shoulders and tucked her into a blanket burrito. He was trapping her again, but Melody didn't mind. She preferred this over the chains.

As she fell asleep she wasn't aware of the blue eyes that stared at her in bewilderment. Melody was once a ghost that haunted his dreams. A mere silhouette of a person that talked to him in his sleep. She was someone he could tell anything - more than he probably should have - and now she was here in flesh and blood.

And he was scared she would disappear.

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