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Sometimes people don't realize that their missing something until it's right in front of them, like the final piece of a puzzle that makes everything seem like it was meant to be

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Sometimes people don't realize that their missing something until it's right in front of them, like the final piece of a puzzle that makes everything seem like it was meant to be. There are always those thoughts that maybe everybody's fate was written before birth. But if that were true, why would they purposely want villains in the world? Why would they willingly put people in harm's way?

It was simple.

A balance was needed.

Fate might have created everybody's stories, but there were so many different outcomes, with different pathways for people to choose. However, It was their choice and their actions that would choose how their fate would be decided.

Such as Isabella Swan's fate could have been completely different, if she hadn't chosen the same path as her mother and stepfather did, if she had helped her sister, and protected her sister instead of becoming ignorant. Maybe things would have turned different for the girl for example being Edward's true mate and not blood singer. But her own selfish actions took away that path for her and now she had to suffer the consequences.

The equal balance.

For there just to be good in the world, nobody would make mistakes and learn from their actions, even though it was harsh, the world needed the balance of the good and the bad.

Even if the fates hated watching how cruel people could be they couldn't get involved so instead they agreed that the innocents who become targets for the bad to be granted a bonus path for their fate.

The bonus path wasn't a new fate for the person, it was moreso a booster to help them with their situation. Just a small little action would be done to give the innocents hope that their life will become better soon.

Just like it took Renee longer to get home that night because of a sudden road closer, giving just enough time for Celeste to find the house phone. Just like how a certain someone's wolf always whined at the thought of missing his little moon. Pushing Jacob to talk to the other swan girl to find out anything he could about his childhood best friend.

Maybe that's why he wasn't surprised at all when he walked into her hospital bedroom and froze with his hand still on the door handle. Pictures covered his mind, them laughing at the beach, cliff diving, dancing in the rain, and movie night with the pack.

"Oh shit," Jake whispers to himself with a smile. He always knew that Celeste would own his heart, he didn't care that he hasn't seen her since she was five, all that matter was that she was back where she belonged.

She was his home.

His imprint.

Charlie's head turned to see who had entered the room and give the boy a sad smile, the first few years when Renee left Jacob would always ask where Celeste had gone and when she was coming back. They were joined at the hip, and nobody could separate them.

"Jacob" Charlie nods his head over the chair next to him.

"How is she?" Jacob questions sitting down looking at his sleeping best friend.

Charlie sighs "Carlisle said the worst is over, the surgery went well, and she should wake up soon."

Jake snaps his head towards Charlie "Carlisle?" He questions clenching his jaw.

Charlie snorts "Believe me I know; I didn't want to involve that family but personal issues aside I needed the best doctor that I trusted for her."

"I've missed her so much" Jake states lacing his fingers in hers.

"Me too son me too" Charlie replies.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Jake questions not looking away from his beautiful imprint.

"I have no idea. But no matter what or how she reacts she is still my little girl." Charlie confesses which was the truth, he wouldn't know until she woke up, and nobody but her would be able to know what she went through all these years.

Celeste was really confused, her whole body was stiff, and felt like someone was standing on her chest. She could hear mumbles of voices but they sounded so far away, the voices sounded so familiar to her but trying to focus on anything made her feel like a knife was stabbing her head.

Jake saw Celeste's face start to scrunch up like she was in pain. "Little moon?"

Charlie furrows his eyebrows at Jake, confused why he was calling out his daughter when she was asleep, turning to see what he was looking out his eyes widen.

Celeste's heart monitor jumped at the nickname she hadn't been called since she was five years old. She couldn't believe it, was this a dream? Mr wolf? Was he really here? No way? not after this many years.

"Cel?" Another familiar voice says. Dad? Charlie was here too? Now, this was clearly a dream. Why would he be here? he hated her.

She had to know if she was dreaming, she could hear the two people she has missed the most. Slowly opening one of her eyes in case this was a prank, blinking to clear her blurry vision she observes her surroundings.

Noticing that Renee and Phil weren't around she opens her other eye. Looking to her left the heart monitor and IV drip, caught her attention. This is when she realised that she was on a bed with an actual blanket, not just an old sheet.

Hearing a gasp from the other side she stills her movement, scared that Renee and Phil had been playing with her. Wanting her to open her eyes, to think she was safe, that they weren't here.

Hesitantly she turns her head to the right, her tense posture relaxed as the noise wasn't from her abusers. But she was still in disbelief about who was sat down next to her. This couldn't be real. An older version of her dad with tears rolling down his face.

He had changed but not by much. The moustache was the big giveaway, also the small part of grey that was blending into his natural hair colour. But other than that. He had stayed the same. Turning to the other person in the room she had to concentrate a little harder. She heard the voice's of her dad and her Mr wolf. Could this really be her best friend? The one who swore he would never cut his long hair.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she couldn't help but blurt out.

"Where's your hair gone?"


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