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"I'm not sure what you mean sweetheart,"

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"I'm not sure what you mean sweetheart,"

Charlie says to his daughter, he didn't want to worry Celeste but the fact that she honestly thinks she was at fault for his and Renee's divorce was devastating.

Celeste sighed "Do you remember the day before we left and what happened?" That day had happened thirteen years ago and she wasn't sure if anyone would remember what had occurred.

Charlie shakes his head and then recognition covers his face "You got sent home from school because you were sick."

Celeste's lips turn up a little, she was happy that he remembered at least something from that day "Yeah, I did."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Jake speaks up softly.

"Uh...Uncle Billy had to pick me up....is he here? I've missed him too." Celeste mutters mainly to herself but both Charlie and Jake heard her.

Jake smile "Sure, I'll call him afterwards okay?" Celeste hummed in response what if he called Renee and Phil? What if she was right and this was all a game?

"Cel? Can you tell me what happened that day?" Charlie had been caught up in the case and remembered he asked Billy to drop her off at home since Renee couldn't drive but he knew she was home as it was her day off from work.

"Well...when I got home..." She trails off

"Get well soon pup" Uncle Billy calls out to a pale and sick Celeste who was getting out of the truck.

"Thanks, Uncle Billy" Celeste coughs as she speaks rubbing her tired eyes.

Opening her front door and dropping her bag next to the coat rack, she tilts her head to the side confused about where her mommy was. Billy had said that she would be home and had already been me message to look out for her coming home.

Too sick to care where her mommy was, she wraps the blanket from the couch around herself and curls up in a ball, resting her head on the arm of the couch and instantly falling to sleep.

Hours later Celeste snaps her eyes open and runs to the bathroom throwing up, deciding it was best to stay where she was incase, she was sick again. Her eyes close on their own and back asleep she goes leaning her head on the toilet seat.

A door slamming shut wakes the very sick Celeste from her sleep, rubbing her eyes to clear her sleepy eyes and look at her surroundings, remembering that she was sick before she had fallen asleep. The sound of footsteps made her think her mommy was home.

Slowly standing up from the floor she walks out of the bathroom and freezes seeing her mommy and a unfamiliar guy with red eyes kisses each other.

Tilting her head at what she was seeing "Mommy?" She questions.

Renee stills her movement with the man hearing her daughter's voice, her eyes widen as she sees Celeste looking between her and the man.

"What are you doing home?" Renee questions Celeste coming out of her shocked state.

"I was sick, Uncle Billy got me home." Celeste tries to explain but slurs her words.

"Your lying" Renee snaps at her.

Celeste shakes her head "I'm not."

"You must be faking it" Renee states.

The guy clears his throat glaring at Renee "you told me you didn't have any children. I'm heading out." leaving the mother and daughter alone.

"Who was that?" Celeste innocently questions her mommy.

Renee was furious, she had been trying to get with any guy she could, but it was hard in a small town as everybody pretty much knew everyone and their life. So finding a guy who didn't know she was married to the sheriff and had two daughters was a challenge.

"You Brat." Renee screams at Celeste. "This is all your fault. Do you hear me?"

"What?" Celeste was so confused, she just wanted to know who that strange man was and why he was in her home with her mommy.

"This is your fault!" Renee scoffs. "Go to your room. Now!"

Celeste flitches at Renee's tone and rushes to her bedroom, silently crying that daddy would come home soon. She was always closer to Charlie than Renee, but she was never mean to her before. Pulling the blanket over her head trying to hide herself from everyone.

What did I do?

Eventually she passed out from the amount of crying she had done and how sick she truly was.

Hours went passed and it was the time when Charlie would arrive home, entering the house to see Renee and Bella having some food. Confused when his other daughter is he turns to his wife.

"How is Celeste? is she okay? Billy said she looked really bad" Charlie felt terrible he couldn't come and collect her, but he was in the middle of an interview with a suspect and couldn't leave.

"Must be tiredness haven't seen her since I put her to bed" Renee fake smiles at her Husband.

Charlie frowns "Oh, Poor Cel, I'll go check on her" walking up the stairs to the hallway to his daughter's bedroom, gently opening the door he sees her fast asleep holding onto one of her teddies. carefully walking into her room he kisses her forehead and whispers "Goodnight my princess" before walking back down the stairs.

The night for the Swan family was normal for the most part until everyone went to sleep. Renee had already packed her belongings, holding a sleeping Bella in her arms, she goes to Celeste's room and roughly shakes her up.

"Brat wake up"

"Huh" Celeste says unsure what was happening.

Renee shakes her head and pulls Celeste by her wrist and drags her down the stairs "This is your fault, this would never of happened if you were faking being sick." Renee whisper shouts.

Celeste was in a daze, she was still sick, tired and couldn't understand her mommy words, she was now becoming scared as the grip on her wirst was becoming tightener ever step they took down the stairs.

Seeing the taxi outside Renee turns to Celeste "You ruined this now let's go." Shoving her into the taxi not caring that she had hit her head on the head rest.

"To the airport" Renee states to the taxi driver, still holding Bella in her arms.

Celeste blinks back her tears remembering that awful day and looks up to the guys who apparently were her father and best friend.

"See. It was my fault."


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