Chapter 36: Gym Buddies

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A/N: July 13th, 2023

New update! Enjoy the jealousy in this chapter 🫡😮‍💨

I also updated a new chapter on Patreon! Two others will be coming this week, including exclusive/uncensored ones!

Question: favorite summer fruit? 🍒🍓🍇🍎🍉

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It had been two weeks since I started going to the gym regularly. I genuinely believed my limbs would detach from my body during the first few days. Every movement caused an all-encompassing soreness, and I struggled to suppress the whimpers whenever I had to move.
Even the simple act of getting out of bed was painful.

Meanwhile, I started distancing myself from Oliver by turning down his offers to meet over the weekend. When he asked if I wanted to do something after work, I gave vague excuses, mentioning that I was tired or had to buy gifts. Oliver didn't push further, but I could sense that something was bothering him. But I didn't want to hinder his work or become a burden.

He needed to focus on his deadlines and writing.
It was Saturday morning, and Oliver asked if I wanted to have brunch with him, but I politely declined the offer. Camilia would probably call him tomorrow and ask how much progress he had made. So instead, I headed to the gym for another training session with Malcolm, even though I would have preferred spending the afternoon enjoying pancakes and bacon with my boyfriend.

The gym had become both my safe haven and nightmare. During my workouts, I would immerse myself in completing my reps, temporarily forgetting the sadness of being unable to spend time with Oliver. It had been two weeks since we had been intimate too, but no matter how badly I wanted to do it, I didn't want it to become a distraction.

"I'll wait for you out here while you change," Malcolm said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and hurried into the changing room, quickly swapping my clothes for gym shorts and a shirt. But when I emerged and joined Malcolm, my eyes widened in panic when I saw someone familiar at the entrance. 

What was Oliver doing here?! He normally went to his apartment's gym. Before I could hide, our gazes met, and a mix of surprise and uncertainty filled the air. Standing beside Oliver was a man with tanned skin and brown eyes, exuding strength similar to Oliver's. Who was he?

"What are you staring at?" the man asked, following Oliver's gaze and locking eyes with me. I flinched.

"You know him?" he continued.

Oliver's gaze never left mine when he said, "He's Daniel."

The way he said my name made it sound like a status, as if my name held great significance and was self-explanatory. It brought a flutter inside my chest, yet, at the same time, I felt a flush of shame, knowing that I had lied to Oliver about helping a friend. Before I could say anything, another voice called out my name.

"Daniel!" Malcolm called, approaching and placing his hand on my arm.

Oliver's jaw tightened when Malcolm touched me, but Malcolm was a naturally touchy guy. It was how he interacted with everyone.

"What are you doing just standing here? We need to warm up," he said.

"Oh, uh, yeah," I replied, breaking our gaze.

"Let's start with some stretching."

The word "stretching" caused me to stiffen again, and I blushed for some inexplicable reason.

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