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"Kai, go and get that rabbit for me!" Esmond pushed him forward with his palms. "Make sure it's still alive, I don't want it dead like last time!"

Kai nodded, slowing edging forward towards the tall grass with a rope in hand.

Esmond watched as Kai crept through the grass, a feeling of satisfaction arose in him at his obedience.

Ever since these two have met, they were inseparable, except for the moments when Kai had to leave. But they were basically inseparable, at least to Esmond.

In his eyes, Kai always followed him and obeyed him to a T! He agreed to everything and even allowed him to do anything on him! How obedient, just like a lost puppy!

Esmond smirked to himself, watching as Kai's figure suddenly took a leap. There was a ruffle of grass and leaves, with the yelp of small rodent which should’ve been the rabbit.

Esmond looked forward expectantly. Just as he imagined, Kai came up with a rabbit; the things hind legs binded with the rope.

Kai returned to him, bringing him the struggling rabbit. Esmond didn't take it, but nodded in satisfaction. In all honesty, he had no desires for the rabbit, he just enjoyed watching Kai listen to his demands, no matter how outrageous they are.

"I'm hungry now, kill it."

Yes, no matter how outrageous.

Kai took a blade from his pockets, pointed at the rabbits throat, and made a clean cut. The thing made its final squeak and became soaked in its own blood. The blood dripped onto the grass, and Kai knelt down, preparing to mutilate it even more.

Esmond watched in silence, a splotch of blood accidentally splattering onto his shoes. He stepped back in disgust, interest quickly fading.

"Never mind. It's too dirty, let's go back inside, you got blood on my shoes."

Kai stood back up, the rabbit still in hand with the blade in the other.

"Throw it away, Cerberuous will come and find it later. She'll clean it up." Kai nodded, knowing that the hound dog will most likely eat the mutilated rabbit.

He tossed it back into the grass, wiped the blood on his clothes, and followed after Esmond.

Seeing Kai following him like an obedient baby duckling, Esmond turned his head up in pride; quickly leading them to the diner room.

Walking through the halls, Kai clearly felt the eyes of the servants whom they passed. He looked down at his clothes. It's probably the blood.

As Esmond mentioned before, he was hungry, and the two ate a light snack in the diner before leaving once again.

Soon, Kai's mother came to pick him up.

Sitting in the carriage, Kai picked at the dried blood on his sleeves. Mother Nanaia looked at him and sighed.

"How is the prince treating you, Kai?"


"Really? Why are you covering in blood then?"


Mother Nanaia sighed. "Kai, as part of our deal previously, your studies will advance starting from today."

Kai finally looked up from his sleeve.

"But," Nanaia pointed at him. "You must not start practicing anything on your own. Do you hear me? You'll be given a private tutor for your needs."

Kai looked at her and nodded. "Thank you, mom."

"You're welcome, Kai. I just want you to make some friends, okay?"

"Yes, mom."

Once home the two ate dinner. Side by side with silver platters and goblets, but none of them finished either of their plates.

"Goodnight, Kai." Nanaia closed the doors to his room, shutting the warm light out. Kai didn't respond, his eyes already shut and closed, ready to fall asleep.

Mother Nanai roamed the halls of her mansion for a hours before returning to her own chambers; changing into her night gown she crawled into the cold bedsheets alone.

"A widow and a mother of one, previously two." Nanaia sighed, turning to her side. She clutched a pendent that hung around her neck. A pendent that held the last fond memories of her eldest child. "I'm so sorry, Daimuid."

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