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"Young Kai, how has your training been going? I hope you haven't done anything I haven't taught you yet." The old tutor sat down on the chair, looking across from Kai.

"No, Mr. Klotho. I haven't." The old man smiled, the wrinkles on the corners of his eyes and mouth folding as his face shifted.

"That's good to hear. So, how has your progress been going? Have you discovered what type of magic user you are yet?"

Kai frowned but nodded. "Yes, emitter."

Mr. Klotho nodded, "Emitter. Just like your mother, how nice!"

Kai nodded again. Seeing unusual listlessness, Mr. Klotho frowned, the wrinkles on his face following in line.

"What's wrong, young Kai? Was it not what you we're hoping for?" Kai shook his head.

"No..." He muttered something under his breath, Mr. Klotho was unable to hear. "... It's my tenth birthday."

The lesson began, and Kai's birthday was again uncelebrated.

Until midnight, someone knocked on Kai's door. The knock was too light, and Kai was too deep in sleep to wake up from it. Even still, the door opened up slowly, a shallow creek followed, and the warm gentle glow of a candle entered Kai's room.

A group of people entered his room, the person in front had a small plate in her hand, and a small cupcake was placed on the surface; the familiar warm candle embedded on top the icing.

The cupcake was placed next to his bedside, and with hushed voices, everyone muttered the same words.

"Happy birthday, young master. We love you very much."

The next day, Kai woke up to a cold dessert; candle wax completely layering the surface of the cupcake.

He still ate it despite its unpleasent state.

Kai was sent to play with the prince again.

Looking at the familiar head of blue, Kai's mood from before subtly improved.

"Here's your gift, Kai." Esmond handed him a wrapped box. Leaving him dumbfounded for a second. "You're finally ten, right? That means you can join me at the academy! That's good, you can be the leader of my fan club!" Esmond grinned, patting Kai's trembling shoulder.

"Eh? Hey, what's wrong with you?" As Esmond leaned over to look at him, Kai dodged, taking quick steps back.

"...it's nothing. Thank you, Prince." Kai quickly rubbed his eyes before looking up at him. "I'll always be your biggest fan!"

For the first time in a long time, Kai gave a genuine smile.

"...huh, oh, uh, okay..." Esmond fumbled with his words, an unfamiliar heat rushing to his cheeks as he stared at Kai's bright eyes. "O-of course you will!"

Esmond blushed. He quickly tried to change the subject.

"W-well, do you like your gift?"

"I haven't opened it yet."

"What?! Well, hurry up then! See if you like it or not. If you don't... I'll get you something different."

Kai nodded, already pulling the ribbon from the top.

"Ink?" Kai stared at the glass bottle of ink sitting on the soft cushion bottom. Esmond nodded.

"Yeah! Since you're going to be joining me in the academy soon, and because I thought the black suited you. What, you don't like it?"

Kai shook his head. "No, I like it very much. Thank you, Prince, you're very kind."

Esmond frowned, taking the gift from Kai's hand. "If you don't like it, just say so. It's not gonna hurt my feelings, so just be honest. We're friends for a reason, right?"

Kai looked at Esmond with hesitation before nodding, the corners of his lips subconsciously lifting.

"Yeah. Your gift sucks."

"Hey! You don't have to be that honest!!" Esmond huffed, grabbing Kai's hand. "Whatever, it doesn't matter. Since you don't like this, then we'll just get you something else!" Esmond turned back to Kai with a smile.

"Come one, we're going to town today!"

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