Seven | Ice and Smoke

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I don't sleep the rest of the night. My body is in tune with every movement Damien makes and acutely aware he'll be gone from me in mere hours. And I'll be left to hitch a ride down the mountain instead of enjoying my time, because I injured myself.

I let myself get distracted, almost killed us both, and injured myself. How could I have been so stupid?

When the morning comes, I race out of bed and have my gear back on before the alarm goes off.

A little twinge of guilt rolls through me when his arm reaches out for the empty spot in the bed and then his eyes shoot open, finding mine almost instantly.

"Good morning," I say, dreading everything he can see on my face in the bright light of day.

His eyes knit together and he plays at his lower lip, but he doesn't say anything.

"I'm just finishing making sure everything's cleaned up and the fire is out. Then we'll be able to get going. Storm broke in the night and according to Bee back at Cliffside Lodge, your guest is waiting at the cabin already. We couldn't reach him in time to delay him further, but he is safe and well. There's plenty of food up there and it's winterized so you should be nice and warm once we arrive."

"Thanks," he says, confusion or maybe hurt flashing across his face. But it's best this way. Easier to just get this all done with and go get my shoulder checked out. He'll have his dad and I'll have my friends and all will be as it was.

I finish packing everything up and place the first aid kit back into my bag, making a note of what we used from the cabin so it can be replenished whenever someone comes up here next.

When I return to the main room, Damien's already folded up the couch and placed the blankets and sheets in a neatly folded pile on the edge of the couch.

"Thanks," I say, gesturing to the room. "I appreciate it."

"Least I could do after you kept me alive," he says with a tentative smile.

"Yeah. Almost messed that up didn't I?" I turn before I have time to really see the confusion settle on his features. "Let's go. We've got at least an hour in this fresh snow. And you're going to need those." I point to the snowshoes and he lets out a groan.

"Do I really?"

"Unless you want to wade through waist high snow, you probably do, yes."

"W-waist high?"

I turn to face him. "Well, it's waist height on me, so maybe a little less." My eyes really want to drift downward, but I steady my gaze straight in front of me.

His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows hard, but he quickly wraps it in a scarf. "When we get there, um..."

"I'll be heading back down by snowmobile once everyone's settled. It's all arranged. They'll bring up anything you both might need before I go."

"You don't want to—?"

"Let's get started then, shall we?" I cut him off, pulling open the back door and placing the snowshoes down on the deck, which is now about level with the snow. There's no way I'm getting the fob back in the safe, so I'll have to take it back with me.

While he's struggling to strap the shoes on, I make sure everything is closed and locked tight and deposit the fob into my bag, replacing my mittens and strapping my own shoes on.

And once he stands with an, "I'm ready," there's nothing to do but start walking. The sooner I start, the sooner we'll be done.

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