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"Are you sure those are the ones you want?" Lorenzo asks from behind me

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"Are you sure those are the ones you want?" Lorenzo asks from behind me.

I shake my head, feeling uncertain.

"...m'not sure, I know I want tulips 'cause those were mom's favorites, but I can't just choose one color. She loved them all." I respond, placing the yellow flowers back.

Leaving the hotel this morning, I slightly panicked because I realized I have no flowers to bring to my mother's grave. Fortunately, Enzo happily offered to buy some on the way.

This leads to now as I indecisively pace this beautiful flower shop.

"Oh Parks, why didn't you just say so?" Enzo speaks, guiding me back to the beginning of the aisle.

I shoot him a bewildered look, obviously not catching onto what he's implying.

"Why don't we take a few of every color and make our own bouquet?" He suggests, reaching for the red tulips.

I gasp and slap his hand away.

"Lorenzo, we cannot possibly buy five bouquets just to make one of our own! That'd be outrageously expensive, not to mention what would we do with the remaining flowers?" I exclaim, perplexed.

I simply receive a chuckle in response. This only causes me to shoot him my deadliest glare.

"Glaring only makes you look like an angry chipmunk." Enzo replies, ruffling my hair.

I make a huge scene of shoving him away while opening my mouth to protest, however Enzo speaks again.

"Parks, money is not an issue and we can just throw the leftovers away." He tries to reason with me.

I am not pleased.

"You can't just throw away perfectly fine flowers!" I shout, throwing my hands into the air.

Lorenzo just sighs in defeat yet, begins to collect one of every tulip color the store has to offer.


Despite my mini tantrum, I happily organize my bouquet of tulips for my mother. A subconscious smile makes its way on my face as I admire all the vibrant colors.

With the remaining flowers, I decide to make multiple smaller floral arrangements for any graves that may be lacking some love. I know more than anyone that extenuating circumstances can stop you from visiting a loved one's grave. My only hope is that maybe someone did the same for my mother these past few years.

Just as I tie a knot of twine around my final few flowers, I feel the car slow to a stop. Our driver does not even have time to open my door before I leap from the car, arms full of tulips.

Despite only seeing her grave once, during her burial, I vividly remember where she resides. I slow my sprint as I near her grave, frowning at what I see.

It seems no one has extended their love.

Her tombstone is surrounded by overgrown weeds, blocking her name from even being seen. I gently place all my flowers to the side as I fall to my knees.

Tears slowly roll down my face as I begin pulling weeds, trying to make my mothers final resting place admirable. Does no one care about her?

Hearing heavy footsteps approach me, I shift my gaze to Lorenzo. He holds a knowing look and crouches next to me.

"I'm sorry, Bambina." He softly speaks, pulling me into a hug.

I clutch his shirt in my hands as Enzo soothingly runs his hands through my hair. Once I have calmed down, I turn back to my mother's grave with a new found determination. I'll just have to improve her grave myself.

Lorenzo gives me some distance as I clean up my mother's grave. I talk to her as if she's still here with me. I tell her I don't resent her from keeping my brothers from me, I forgive her for any mistakes she's made. It must have been incredibly difficult to leave her sons behind, whatever the reason may have been.

As I finish my one-sided conversation with my mother, I delicately lay the bouquet of tulips I so carefully crafted beside her headstone. I kiss the stone before grabbing my remaining flowers from the ground.

A solemn look rests on my face as I observe my sorellina at our mother's grave

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A solemn look rests on my face as I observe my sorellina at our mother's grave. No child should have to face such circumstances. Watching Parker say goodbye to our mother's grave, my heart swells at her next actions.

Despite strangers neglecting our mother's grave, she still places her remaining flowers at any empty grave she sees. I watch as she even goes the extra mile of pulling weeds for unknown deceased people. She is undoubtedly the kindest soul I know.

While Parker remains busy, I approach our mother's grave. I have a strange relationship with death. Obviously, I end lives frequently yet, rarely do I mourn. It is an unfamiliar feeling.

"I cannot say I forgive you for keeping her from us, but I can say I understand why." I tell my mother, as if she's here listening to me.

"Though your intentions were best, you still failed her." I say, clenching my fists. I cannot help but get angry.

If she stayed, we could have protected her. We could have been a happy family with two loving parents, and a baby sister to spoil.

I release a breath, forcing myself to relax. What has happened, has happened, I cannot change the past. I can only promise the future.

"Although I cannot forgive you, I can promise you I will protect Parker with my life. I can only thank you for raising her to be the compassionate, loving girl she has turned out to be." I turn away after adding,"Thank you for bringing her into this world."

Walking away from my mother's grave, I turn towards Parker as she makes her way back to me, a soft smile adorns her face. As she nears, she holds two thumbs up.

"Now everybody has flowers!" Parker shouts, feeling accomplished with herself.

Reaching under her armpits, I spin her in a circle. She laughs as her body is basically horizontal to the ground. That sound is music to my ears.

Instead of setting her down, I rest her on my hip.

"I'm sure you've made a lot of people happy today." I tell her, moving her now messy hair out of her eyes.

As a response she hides her bashful smile in my shoulder.

"I bet our brothers are missing you, ready to head home?" I ask.

I feel her nod against my shoulder.

"They must be missing you too!" Parker quickly adds.

I chuckle at her response. If only she knew how our world now revolves around her, and only her.

[word count 1111]

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