11: Snow Tornado

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Maybe it's true what my sister told me, that the storm can't hurt me. Because I don't feel a thing as I rush through pelting snowfall, trying to get back to the car. I'm not cold. I'm not hurting. I'm numb.

I run as fast as my legs can carry toward the woods. If I can just get away from the cottage, maybe the story told can't hurt me. It can't become true. At least that seems to be my delirious reasoning, while my thoughts still scramble to make sense of the new reality.

Suddenly, in the middle of a clearing, my legs give out. Perhaps it's exhaustion from trudging through snow all day. Perhaps my body simply can't handle all these new realizations. Whatever the reason is, I end up on my knees in the white landscape with tears streaming down my cheeks, turning into ice as the cold takes them.

Snow whirls around me. Literally around me. Because once I'm no longer running and instead staying put in one place, I can discern that a whirlwind is forming, with me at the center.

I look at it in panic, not knowing what to do. Even if it's my creation, it's not under my control.

The snow tornado intensifies by the moment, soon blocking the woods around me from view.

Do you really want to live forever?

Forever, and ever...

The familiar lyrics aren't in my head; they're in the wind, taunting me. Over and over, the reality of my supposed powers is blasted at me at wind speed. Forever, or however long frost sprites wait for their descendant to take their place, isn't a grand prospect if you know you'll be spending it alone.

"Stop!" I yell, throwing my hands out in the air.

A surge of air blasts outward, chasing away the whirling snow and the haunting song. Everything becomes still and silent. I stand in a snow-free circle of my own making, as confused as ever.

Perhaps my emotions are the key to controlling whatever is happening.

My emotions are telling me I need to get to Anton. In all this craziness, he is the key to unlocking the truth. He is the one who will save me.

I rise, brushing off layers of snow from my clothes. I walk the rest of the way toward the car, trying to control my breathing to not cause more uproar, in my own mind or in the nature around me.

The car is still stuck in a snowbank. Because why would it have moved?

But perhaps I can move the offending frosty masses... I've done it before. But not on purpose.

This time, I don't throw out my hand like Spiderman, instead I let the emotions take over. I allow the frustration to bubble over, causing me almost to hyper-ventilate. Everything becomes white as a tornado of frosty emotions forms around my body. It encapsulates me, the car, and the surrounding woods.

Inhaling deeply, I throw both my hands out, expelling all that is tempted up. Everything explodes in a white wave of fury, freeing a circle of grass from the snowy hold and dislodging my sister's car.

I shake my hands, feeling weirdly proud of my work. Even if I don't quite know how I did what I did.

Before I can think it over too much, I throw myself behind the steering wheel and back out on the road. The bare spot of land uncovered by my hand is soon covered by the relentless snowfall.

Few cars are on the roads. Probably a wise choice. If you don't need to, you shouldn't drive in these conditions.

But I need to be here. I need to get to Anton.

Perhaps it's pure luck, or the weather being on my side, but I get through the drive toward our hometown, which is only a few kilometers away, without incident despite barely seeing the road in front of me on account of the unforgiving snowfall. Perhaps it's my drive to see him that is powering my driving skills.

Regardless of the reason, I arrive at Anton's apartment building unscathed. I slide into a parking space, somehow avoiding denting the cars parked on each side. Fury and fear apparently make me a capable driver. Or the icy surface is rooting for me? I wouldn't count that out.

A gust of snow hits my face upon exiting the car, blinding me momentarily. All I see is white and all I sense is cold. But as soon as my eyes once again cooperate, I trudge on. Snow, ice, hellfire, it doesn't matter. I need to get to Anton. He's all I have to hold onto in this mad world of mysterious truths.

As long as I can get to him, I will be alright. Everything will sort itself out. At least that's what I tell myself.

Snow is everywhere on the street. It rains from the sky and it lies on the sidewalk. It's in my shoes and inside of my jacket. It's everywhere at once.

The world is snow.

And maybe it's my doing.

But that truth is too heavy for me to carry. I can't take it in. Not alone.

Opening the door to the apartment building, I'm hit by memories of carrying boxes all the way up to the third floor when I helped Anton and Sofia move into their one-bedroom apartment. It had been her idea for them to make a home together. In my opinion, it was too soon. They were little more than kids, just out of gymnasium like me. And I certainly didn't feel like an adult. But who was I to tell them such things? I was obviously biased in the matter anyway, although I wasn't ready to admit that even to myself.

I'm ready now. Ready to confess my feelings for Anton to both myself and him.

Not caring about the snow attached to the bottom of my pants, I bounce up the three flights of stairs. He has to be here. He said he was at home.

I ring the doorbell, pacing nervously while I wait for a reply. The seconds drag like walking through snow.

My heart almost bounces out of my chest when a click comes from the door, signaling that someone is on the other side.

The door swings open and my heart sinks.

"Joakim?" Sofia greets me. "What are you doing here?"

First Frost (ONC 2023 Novella, MxM Paranormal)Where stories live. Discover now