Chapter 14

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The next day at school was strange, to say the least. Ollie sat in English class with Pony. The strange part was all the staring that was directed at him. Ollie had never had so much attention before and in all honesty, it made him feel uncomfortable. Ollie wanted nothing more than to lock himself in a bathroom stall until the end of the day. 

When the bell finally rang, Ollie was quick to jump out of his seat and rush out the classroom door. He could hear footsteps behind him as he left but didn't make any sign as to stopping or slowing down. 

"Hey! Ollie please slow down!" Pony shouted. 

Ollie paused in his running to let Pony catch up to him. Pony finally caught up to Ollie before grabbing his hand. 

"Okay, what's wrong, baby?" Pony asked. 

"Sorry. Everyone was staring," Ollie said. Pony just grabbed Ollie's hands tighter before pulling him off to the side of the hallway. "It made me uncomfortable,"

"Don't worry about their staring," Pony said. "It's probably just because you're cute,"

Ollie chuckled slightly before Pony pulled him into a hug. 

"Thanks, Pony," Ollie said once they pulled away from the hug. "We should probably get to our next class though,"

The two walked to their next class side by side. When they finally reached the door to math, the bell finally rang. The two boys walked into class alongside the other students who were just arriving as well. 

The class was slow and boring. Ollie wasn't a huge fan of math and Pony didn't sit next to him like his other classes. He was bored out of his mind. The teacher was going on and on about fractions and decimals being graphed out on a graph. 

Of course the last class of the day had to be the slowest. Ollie couldn't wait to get home and just sit around with his boyfriends. Although, now that he thought about it, Darry would make him do his homework as soon as he got home from work. Ollie sighed in disappointment at the thought. 

Finally, the bell rang and he could leave this boring class. (And school). Ollie met Pony by the door so they could walk out and meet the others together. Johnny and Two-Bit were standing next to Ollie's locker as they waited for the other two boys to arrive. 

"Hellloo, Ollie," Two-Bit said and grabbed Ollie before spinning him around in a hug. The hallways were, for the most part, empty. Ollie let out a laugh as Two-Bit set him back down on the ground. The four boys walked out of the school and towards Pony's house. 

When they got there, Soda and Steve were laying around on the couch and Dally had sat down in front of the couch on the floor. Ollie set his bag on the floor before climbing into Dally's lap. 

"Hello, my little baby," Dally greeted and wrapped his arms around Ollie's waist. Steve and Soda groaned from the couch. 

"Olliiee, why don't you come sit on the couch with us," Steve whined. 

"Because you guys have the couch so Dally can sit with me if he's on the floor,"

Steve and Soda quickly got off the couch and sat on the floor. 

"We're on the floor now. Dally can have the couch!" Soda said and looked at Ollie. Ollie chuckled and shook his head before giving Dally a kiss and moving over to sit on Soda's lap. Soda pulled Ollie's face towards his and kissed him. 

Before he could do anymore, Steve grabbed Ollie and pulled him into his lap. Soda whined before turning to go sit back on the couch only to realize Johnny, Pony, and Two-Bit were already sitting there. 

"Uh, I was sitting there," Soda complained. 

"Well, you moved to the floor so, sucks to be you," Two-Bit said. Soda pouted at the boys on the couch. Steve was cuddling with Ollie on the floor while Dally held one of his open hands. 

They all sat around the TV, watching Mickey Mouse until the door to the house opened and Darry walked in. 

"How long have you guys been sitting in front of the TV?" Darry asked. 

The boys all looked at each other and then back at Darry with small smiles on their faces. 

"Um.. Since Pony, Johnny, Two-Bit, and Ollie got back from school?" Soda said.

"Seriously?" Darry asked and sighed. "That's enough TV for now. Ollie and Pony go do your homework,"

Pony sighed and got up from the couch, heading to his and Soda's room. Ollie got up from his place in Two-Bit's lap and started to head to Pony and Soda's room. 

"Um, Ollie?" Darry called out. 

Ollie turned towards Darry with a questioning face. Darry held his arms out for a hug. Ollie came over to Darry and wrapped his arms around his waist, tucking his face into his chest. Darry gave him a quick kiss before sending him off to do his homework. Ollie was glad to have this life. 


Well, that's finally the end of the book. I honestly didn't know what else to include in it since I already included the plot from the book. I just wanted to say that none of the characters belong to me (except Ollie and his parents) and they all belong to S.E. Hinton. Sorry it took so long to finally update a chapter. I was actually planning on leaving it on chapter 13 but I guess people thought it was discontinued so, yea. 

Lots of love and thanks for reading <3


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