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"Think about it Audrey, they could help us take down inane de

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"Think about it Audrey, they could help us take down inane de." I whisper to her, trying not to wake up Alina.

"I don't think taking her down is even possible." She admits to me, sighing.

"It is, okay? Just-" we get interrupted by the door opening.

Alina wakes up and throws herself off the bed, frantically looking around as she trips and falls on the floor.

"Alina, it's okay. You're safe, it's okay." Audrey goes over to her.

Alina throws her arms around Audrey and I walk over and rub her back.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happened, but it's okay now. We're here." I assure her.

She nods and stands up, walking over to the end of the bed and sitting down.

We hear the door opening and turn to see Camden standing in the doorway.

"Would you follow me please?" He asks and we nod, following him down to the living room.

We've been here for two days and haven't said anything but we've been debating it.

We sit down on the couch, Alina between us. Audrey puts her arm around Alina and she lays her head on Audrey's shoulder.

"So-" Camden starts but I cut him off.

"We want Inane de gone even more than you do. You know they're a terrible person but we were raised by them." I start explaining.

"What Halston's trying to get at is we'll help you take them down." Audrey finishes for me.

Alina was asleep when we were talking about it so this is news to her.

"What?" She asks, looking between me and Audrey.

"We're gonna help them, Lina." I tell her with a smile.

She pushes Audrey's arm off of her and stands up, facing us.

"No. You guys do stupid shit like this all the time and I'm the one who gets hurt, not you!" She snaps before going back upstairs.

I sigh and shake my head while Audrey just looks upset.

"Sorry about her, she didn't know about this. She'll be on board soon, don't worry. She's just young and worried." I tell them and they nod, understanding.

"Inane de." Audrey starts. "Take out an E and anagram it."

Willow figures it out first. "Nadine?"

"Exactly. Nadine Zaras is inane de. She runs a facility full of girls who she trains to be killers. The youngest one to have ever been there was only a day old. She's still there, but now she's 17. The oldest she takes is 16, after that she doesn't bother. The oldest girl we have right now is 32, after 35 she kills us. We know how to get into the facility so we'll be able to help with that as well." I explain everything.

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