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I arrive home early specifically to have a conversation with Roshni.

"Aunt... Aunt," I call out the house worker twice, and she comes over, handing me a glass of water.

"Aunt, please go and call Roshni. Tell her to come to my room," I instruct her, taking the glass of water from her. I'm unsure of how to react. I understand her loss, but she can't continue to act this way. Aunt used to praise her so much, but now her behavior has changed. I can't let Aunt down she has high expectations with Roshni.

Lost in my thoughts, I am eventually brought back to reality when Aunt taps on my shoulder.

"You seem lost. I told you that Roshni comes home late. When I asked her, she told me that she goes directly to her friend's house from school to study, and she'll come home in the evening. She said she had taken your permission. " she says, confusing me. When did she ask me, and when did I agree to it?

"Oh, right. She asked me once. I forgot. You can go home now. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll order takeout so you don't have to stay," I say to her, dismissing her.

I've been waiting for Roshni since she doesn't have a phone, and I can't even call her. No, I'm not even considering giving her a phone. She'll get one after she finishes her schooling.

I waited and waited, but I started to get worried when it was six o'clock and she still wasn't here. Thankfully, I hear the doorbell, bringing me relief.

I open the door and find Roshni looking shocked at me.

"Daksh... You're here. You came home early today. I just went out a few hours ago. I did inform Aunt," she tells me, fabricating a colorful lie.

"Let's go to my room. I have something to discuss with you," I say, but Roshni remains standing in her place.

"Can I come after taking a shower? I'll be quick," she asks. I nod my head, and she goes to her room to shower while I make my way to my room.

After half an hour, there's a knock on my room door. I give her permission to enter, and she does, wearing her night pajamas. They look adorable on her, and the rabbit ears on her t-shirt are so cute.

"Come, take a seat," I motioned for her to sit in front of me.

"Roshni, don't you think we should always be honest with each other?" I asked, and she nodded in agreement.

"How's school going?" I inquired.

"Good," she replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Which friend's house did you go to and why?" I questioned.

"I actually went to my friend's house to study. I just forgot to inform you, it won't happen again," she said, trying to sound confident.

After listening to all her lies, I smack her shoulder with little force. She step away rubbing her shoulder.

"Why did you hit me? I didn't do anything wrong," she protested, rubbing her shoulder.

"Just tell the truth. I have to meet your teacher tomorrow. If you have something to inform me about, do it beforehand so I won't be upset tomorrow," I explained, but she seemed lost in thought.

"I skipped school... for almost a month," she confessed quietly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I worked at a cafe. I was scared that if you found a girlfriend , you would kick me out and I would have to go back to my old house and live alone," she explained.

"Who told you to think and use your mind for anything other than studying?" I scolded, lightly tapping her head. She tried to rub her head, but I held her hands and made her look at me.

"Grab a pen and paper... Write down everything. Every thought, every action from this past month when you were supposed to be at school. I want to know everything," I instructed. She tried to stand up, but I held her back.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I will be in my room writing."

"Then do it right here and let me prepare my mind to listen to your teacher's lecture tomorrow. I'm telling you, if there is more than what you said, it won't just be about penning down your thoughts and actions, it will be more than that."

"Don't scold me in front of my teacher."

"And why is that, miss?"

"It's embarrassing."

"Then pray to God they don't say anything that will make me scold you in front of anyone."

Roshni quickly writes and hands the paper to Daksh in just five minutes.


"Yup, done," she said, confirming.

"He reads it and there is only one thing written."

"I skipped my classes for many days this month and worked at a cafe. I ignored my classes and was not attentive towards them. I will never repeat this act, and please don't scold me after reading this or even tomorrow in front of my teacher," he read it and looked at her, crushing the paper in his fist.

"Is this a joke?" he said, looking at Roshni, who was trying hard to control her laughter.

"Come closer," he said, and she moved towards him, standing in front of him. He turned her around and smacked her butt, making her look at him with wide eyes and back away.

"Here, don't joke this time, otherwise it won't be just one," he said, passing her notebook back to her. She was still looking at him with wide eyes.

"I will complain about this to your mom... Wait, I'm even scared of her. I will complain to Ayaan, just wait until he comes here once."

"I don't know about him, but if you don't start right now, you're going to be in trouble."

She started writing again, but her mind kept wandering to Daksh.

"Can I ask you something?" she said, chewing on her pen.

"Go ahead."

"Do you have a girlfriend or a crush...?"

"Better focus on your work, Roshni. And did you drink something on your way today? Why are you talking like this?" he said sternly.

"Okay, don't get a girlfriend until I'm here. She will kick me out of this house."

"I am curious to learn how one can remove themselves from a certain place." Daksh thought shaking his head.

"You require a practical mind for this, not an overthinking mind.I am ordering takeout, what would you like to eat?" He ask taking out his phone.

"Pizza," she replied happily.

"You won't feel satisfied after eating it, and it's late at night. I will order something else for dinner."

"Then anything will do," she responded before returning to her work.

"Once you finish, go back to your room, wash your face, and join me for dinner," he instructed before returning to his laptop, causing her to mutter curses under her breath.

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