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"She was really upset yesterday, like really upset. She was even crying. It broke my heart to see her like that," Daksh told Ayaan over the phone.

"Why don't you ask her what happened? Where is she? Let me talk to her," Ayaan said

"She's sleeping. If you have some free time, come spend it with us," Daksh said while making himself a cup of tea.

"I will. By the way, why is she sleeping? Is she taking a day off?" Ayaan asked.

"I just didn't wake her up yet, but I'll wake her up soon. She can't take a day off. If you're free, come visit us. I'm hanging up now," he said, ending the call and heading to his room with his tea.

"Roshni, wake up! You'll be late," Daksh said.

"Let me sleep, Daksh. My head is hurting so much," she replied, turning away.

"It's probably because of crying. Okay, get up, or you'll be late," Daksh said, taking the blanket off her.

"I'm not lying, my head really hurts," she insisted.

He held her hand and made her sit up.

"You have a temperature again. Are you crazy? I told you not to cry, but you didn't listen. You've been running a fever since last week. It went down for a few days, and now it's back," he yelled, making her flinch.

"I... I... I'm going to get ready. I don't have a fever, sorry," she said, quickly leaving his room and heading straight to the bathroom for a shower. She came out wearing her school uniform.

She walked into the kitchen, looking down.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"And what are you sorry about?" he asked coldly.

"For being sick? " she said, almost like a question.

"Roshni, you're one step away from getting slapped. Sit down, have your breakfast, and rest at home. No need to go to school," he said firmly.

"I have Riyansh's register. Give it back to him. Then I'm going to my room," she said immediately hearing his changed tone.

"Who's going to have your breakfast? Me," Daksh said, getting closer to her and placing her breakfast in front of her.

She leisurely enjoyed her breakfast.

"Rest means rest, no TV. I'll come straight after school. I won't go to college today. Don't take any medicine, I'll take you to the clinic," he said before heading off to his car, leaving Roshni alone.

"What should I do now? Forget all this, let's watch a movie. Best idea. I can even catch up on my sleep. Do I have to change out of this uniform? I don't want to... Oh well, I'll change later," she muttered to herself as she made her way to the living room and turned on the TV.

Unknowingly, she dozed off while watching TV, only to be jolted awake by the sound of the doorbell.

She went to answer the door without bothering to check who it was, then returned to the couch.

"Aren't you going to at least say hello to me?" a familiar voice said.

She widened her eyes upon hearing the voice.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you busy? Can we go out if you are free? By the way you know what happened yesterday," she blurted out without giving him a chance to speak.

"No hug? At least say hello, miss," Ayaan said, pulling her into a hug.

"Now you can talk, but first, bring me a glass of water," Ayaan said with a smile.

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