CHAPTER 6 - Stranded (I)

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After paying for the taxi, Karthik walked towards the reception of the hotel his mother booked, followed by Sindhu. He was furious at his mother for not even giving the details of their stay, until they landed in Manali and he knew why. Adding to that, it was snowing and he hated it.  

When the receptionist greeted him, he asked for the room booked on his name.

"Yes sir, a honeymoon suite was booked in the name of Mr and Mrs. Narayan" she said sweetly.

Sindhu bit back her smile seeing Karthik's reaction. He looked like he wanted to kill the receptionist.

"Thank you. But we also want an extra room" he said, as calmly as possible.

"Sorry sir. No rooms are free as of now" she replied.

"What do you mean no rooms are free?" he fumed. The hotel is not extravagant but it looked big enough to have at least fifty rooms.

"Sorry sir, but no room is vacant. The city is busy at this time of the year with tourists coming from all over the country"

"And why is that?" he scowled.

"Because it starts snowing" she replied patiently.

Sindhu heard him mumble under his breath "If it's busy at this time, how did mom book ——-"

"When was the room booked?" he questioned with a frown.

The receptionist checked her system and replied "About two months ago"

If he looked angry before, he is furious now. After telling the receptionist to notify them if any room was available, they made their way to the lift following the hotel staff.

Sindhu was shocked to know Seetha was so thoughtful; she can't believe Seetha made him agree to this trip. She remembered the argument between the mother and son after her sudden announcement of their trip. 

Though she was not happy when she heard of the trip with Karthik, she was glad it was Manali; she always wanted to see snowing. She loved watching the snow fall through the windows of their taxi and loved the place instantly. She just hoped he doesn't fight with her during their stay.

And when she saw their room, she was in awe. The floor to ceiling glass windows showed the picturesque of the city; it's very beautiful.

"You are enjoying this. Aren't you?" She heard him with a serious tone.

"What?" she asked, turning her eyes from the window to him.

"Answer my question" he said gruffly.

She rolled her eyes "Its beautiful and I am here for the first time. Of course I am enjoying this"

He crossed his arms across his chest and glared at her.

"What did I do now?" she asked, feeling irritated.

"I saw you enjoyed watching the snow" he stated gravely.

"Is that bad?" she asked, puzzled by his behavior.

"So who decided Manali? My mom or you?" he questioned, looking angry.

"What do you mean?" she asked, losing the enthusiasm she had ever since she entered the city.

"I mean did you tell my mom you loved snowing and asked her to book tickets for Manali or was it her who asked you if Manali was ok?"

"You think I am behind this?" she asked, feeling angry.

"I am not stupid to not realize that" he said coldly.

"Why would I do that?" she grumbled, feeling hurt.

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