Chapter Twenty-Five

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Warning: Highly explicit content in this chapter. Please read with caution.

While Aurora sat there steeling herself for what Christian was about to tell her, she couldn't help but notice what Ryder was doing out of her peripheral vision.

He was loosening the thick rope bound to his wrists, but he was doing it in such a way nobody would have been able to notice, because of the way he sat in the corner with his shoulders hunched over, skillfully undoing the ropes.

She could tell by how fast, he was undoing them with such great efficiency that he had gotten out of situations like this before and that it wasn't going to be long until he would be free and all hell would break loose.

Ryder was a pure psychopath and neither of these men, including Christian knew what they were getting themselves into.

Everything he did was always calculating, carefully timed and meticulously planned. She knew he already had a plan set in motion before he even stepped foot in those gates today and he knew exactly what he was getting himself into.

A mixture of relief and terror washed over Aurora and it made her reconsider, if she wanted her freedom back or just wait it out until they all eventually raped and killed her.

She should have been pleased Ryder was going to save her from her psychotic ex-boyfriend, but she knew if Ryder did break free and get her out of this mess, what would become of her if they managed to get away and escape these men?

He would just take her back to the house and then she would be forced to relive all the terrible things he did to her all over again.

Raping her whenever he wanted, beating the hell out of her when she disobeyed him, and trying to control every aspect of her life. It would have meant all of this would have been for nothing. To her, there was no end to this unless she hatched a plan of her own.

Watching Christian grab a chair that was stacked up against the wall in an upright position, he unfolded it and let it collapse to the floor.

The men all stood behind him, arms folded, guarding the door, her only means of escaping them as their menacing eyes were glued to Christian while occasionally passing fleeting glances at Aurora.

She knew they were just waiting to make their move on her. She could tell by the way they looked at her; especially the guy with the terrifying blue eyes and long, stringy almond blonde hair.

He would always look her way every now and then while licking his lips as an indication that he was going to enjoy every minute of what he had planned for her.

Christian then brushed away some of the dust and debris that had accumulated on the top of the seat from being left in storage for so long with the back of his hand and sat down.

He had a smug grin on his face while he turned and faced both Ryder and Aurora with his legs lazily sprawled across the table. She could tell he was enjoying every minute of this.

Sucking in the air, Aurora took in a deep breath and waited for Christian to start talking. Once he did, Aurora could do nothing but sit there in complete shock and stupefaction.

"A couple of weeks after you and I broke up, I started looking for a job after I got laid off from my old one and heard there was a new club that opened looking for barmen, "Christian began to tell her, his hands excessively fidgeting with his perfectly styled black hair. "He was working behind the bar like me at this popular joint and we hit it off immediately. He was well known there and he was always such a hit with the ladies, so it came as a surprise to me when I discovered the truth about what kind of a monster he really was."

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