Chapter 79

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I floundered in the air, making eye contact with Arthdal.


Then, a shattering pain hit my head.

It's a hell of a headache, damn it.

The fever is rising more and more. I even thought that maybe my body would burn and explode.

I had a burning thirst. I wanted to touch someone. It seemed that this thirst would be quenched only by making contact with others.

"You'd better sleep quietly."

Enoch's voice was heard.

When I woke up, I found myself on the bed.

It seemed to be Yuanna's bedroom on the second floor. Unlike Arthdal's, which was destroyed by a monster, Yuanna's bedroom was fine.

I saw Enoch standing by the bedside. He was undressed, but bandages were wrapped around his body.

He didn't look very good either. But, it didn't matter to me now.

"How can I sleep like this? Please knock me out, I don't want to die in pain like this."

I begged and started crying.

'My body is itchy.'

I begged him once again.

"Enoch, I'm so embarrassed, so please knock me out."

Tears flowed down my cheeks regardless of my will. Enoch made a troubled face.

As his doubts grew longer, my patience ran out. I reached out my trembling hand and pulled him by the arm.

Enoch's face grew closer. His face filled with astonishment. The tips of our noses rub against one another. I stared eagerly at his red lips, which were soft to the touch.

Excited breaths tickled each other's faces, and I was about to let go of the ties of reason.

'Please come to your senses, come to your senses.'

I muttered inwardly, but my body hardly followed my commands.

Then Enoch frowned and looked at me, ruffling his hair back.

Biting his lower lip with a troubled look, he pushed me away with a face that looked like he was holding onto something hard.

"Damn it, you're driving me crazy."

He gritted his teeth and muttered.

After being rejected by him, I burst into tears with a feeling of relief that somehow made me sad.

"Just knock me out quickly, I'm going to die of shame!"

Enoch leaned slowly toward me. I struggled on the bed and caught my breath for a moment when I saw his face getting closer. He pushed my shoulder aside.


Then, I felt a strong pain in the back of my neck and my vision became blurry.

That's a relief. I told him with my mouth to knock me out, but I didn't really expect him to.

Maybe it's because I'm not the female lead.

Yeah, well. What suits me is a survival thriller.


I think it was early in the morning when I woke up. A bluish light was streaming in through the window above the bedroom.

My vision is still blurry. As I slowly got up, I realized that my arms were tied to the bedposts.

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