Chapter 81

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"You must not touch a suspicious flower carelessly, put it down."

Diego looked at the flower and Kayden alternately for a moment, then calmly put it down.

"As expected, you know a lot since you're a wizard."

"This is just common sense."

Yuanna muttered while looking at the flowers on the ground with a sad face.

A sudden wind blew a considerable amount of yellow pollen from the flowers that had bloomed around the hut.

"Achoo!" Yuanna, covered in pollen, sneezed.

Diego, who also inhaled the pollen, dropped the flower and then covered his nose with his hand.

Kayden felt that the reactions of the two were unusual. It was because Yuanna and Diego's necks started gradually turning red.

Yuanna grabbed her neck with a perplexed face as she sat down. She coughed repeatedly.

Diego grabbed the front of his shirt with a troubled face, he pulled it so hard that the top three or four buttons fell off.

'Damn. What the hell? Is it poisonous pollen?'

Kayden, who was resistant to all poisons, was the only one who was fine.

The two seemed to be in great pain, but they didn't budge from the ground. This made it difficult for Kayden.

Yuanna and Diego looked haggard, like dying flowers.

Their unfocused eyes, rough breathing, and their gestures as they groaned on the floor. It was as if they couldn't wait to quench their thirst, looking extremely greedy.

It was an embarrassing situation.

Kayden couldn't let them stay outside when he had just encountered a monster a short while ago.

Eventually, Kayden decided to move them into the hut. It was quite difficult to move those who were struggling in pain.

"This is why I hate group life, if it looks dangerous at first glance, why did you touch it.....! Fuxk!!"

Kayden cursed. It seems that he should give up on his plan to go back without any problems and get praised by Margaret.


Eunji, who had disappeared last night, was eating all of the Tentathionem.

As soon as Enoch and I got out of the cabin, we found Eunji eating the flowers at a frightening pace.

There must have been a few flowers that were not in bloom, but the red flowers had filled the area around the cabin overnight.


Surprised to see him back, I called out to him. Eunji, who finally looked at me, just wagged his tail happily.

The kid with glittering scales hesitated to approach me. Only after he had eaten all the remaining Tentathionem did he slither quickly to the front of the cabin's deck.

Nevertheless, Tentathionem is a highly toxic flower. On top of that, I can't believe he ate all that at once......

Eunji slithered in front of me and fell to the floor helplessly. Surprised to see Eunji passed out, I lifted him up. He drooped over the palm of my hand

Fortunately, he was breathing evenly, so it was clear that he was simply asleep.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You said that the monster had imprinted on you, didn't you?" Enoch asked, looking at Eunji who was asleep.

"Yes, I think so. I can guess how this kid feels. He also seems to understand what I'm saying. According to Kayden, it's because he's imprinted on me."

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