Chapter 5 - my new friend

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As I slowly regained consciousness, I found myself in a comfortable bed in the assigned room. The warm colors of the walls and the gentle lighting created a pleasant atmosphere of comfort. Next to my bed sat a maid with cute rabbit ears. Her face was marked with worry, but when she noticed I was awake, she jumped up. Her silk dress rustled softly as she hurried to the door and disappeared.

I slowly sat up, feeling the pain receding and a pleasant sense of relief taking its place. But at the same time, I felt a slight disappointment rising within me. I had hoped to possess superhuman powers and easily overcome the illness. It was a reminder that even as a healer, I had my limits. Thoughts of all the other people who might also be ill made me pensive.

At that moment, the butler, the rabbit maid, and an older man entered the room. The man, a doctor, had gray-white hair that shimmered in the soft light. His goatee and round glasses gave him a wise and respected look. The way he entered the room actually reminded me of a majestic goat, attentively observing his surroundings.

The butler spoke with sincere concern in his voice, "Your Holiness, how do you feel? Are you in pain? Do you need anything? Please let us know if anything troubles you!" His words came in a single breath, and his ears were slightly folded down, indicating his worry. It was touching to see someone genuinely concerned about my well-being. It was the first time someone other than the nature spirits had shown me such attention and care.

The doctor approached cautiously and cleared his throat before speaking, "Ahem... Your Holiness, if I may, I would like to conduct a brief examination to ensure that you are in good health." His calm and deliberate manner instilled confidence in me, and I nodded in agreement. He began the examination by feeling my pulse, examining my eyes and throat, and gently palpating my abdomen. I felt in good hands with his calm and professional approach.

"Thank you, but I'm feeling well," I finally said with a grateful smile. But suddenly, the room fell silent, and all three of them stared at me as if they had made a mysterious discovery. It dawned on me that I was no longer wearing my hood, and my true appearance might have surprised them, or had I said something wrong?

Suddenly, a loud rumbling came from my stomach. It was mine, and I couldn't help but blush slightly. I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for the past few days, and now my body was reminding me of that fact. I couldn't suppress a slight smile, and my stomach rumbled again, this time more quietly.

The butler hurried to save the situation and quickly said, "We will bring your breakfast immediately. Please continue to rest, Your Holiness." The rabbit maid bowed hastily and swiftly left the room. I couldn't help but admire her speed, and the smile on my face widened.

"Hmph... I would still recommend a few more days of bed rest. After all, you were unconscious for a whole day," the doctor said, trying to hide his grin by coughing into his fist. "If Your Holiness doesn't need anything else from me, then I shall take my leave."

"Thank you, that will be all," I replied. The man bowed politely and left the room. Now only the butler and I were left. His gaze remained on me, and I felt somewhat uncertain, so I finally said, "How is the young boy?" The butler beamed and replied, "Thanks to Your Holiness, our young prince is doing well. He is already awake.""I'm glad to hear that. I hope he recovers quickly... I have another question. What about the others? Are many people affected?" I asked cautiously. The butler hesitated for a moment and then replied, "Among the villagers and servants, there are some who have fallen ill. However, their illnesses could mostly be treated with the help of doctors and herbal remedies. Only our young prince seemed to be unaffected by any treatment."

"I understand," I said thoughtfully. Before I could further inquire about the illness, the rabbit maid returned with a tray, on which there was a fragrant bowl of soup and a piece of fresh bread. "Please forgive this humble meal. But the doctor recommends that we offer you light fare for now," she explained with a slightly downcast expression. I smiled encouragingly at her and accepted the tray. The aroma of the soup filled my nostrils, and my stomach growled again in anticipation. Without many words, I began tasting the warm soup. It was delicious and warmed my body from within. The flavors of fresh vegetables and spices danced on my tongue as I dipped the bread into the soup and savored each bite.

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