Now Is A Good Cut Off Time

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After playing beer pong with Davis and Cher as the opposing team against me and Chicago—we all met back over at the shot table where Jalen already was.

"Where's Lakyn and Jaden?" Cher called over the music.

Jalen rolled his eyes before pointing toward the crowd where Lakyn and Jaden were dancing.

Davis chuckled, shaking his head at an irritated Jalen before going to grab the couple from the crowd.

As soon as Davis was back at the table with Lakyn and Jaden, he said, "All right, now we're ready to take shots."

I didn't even acknowledge the fact that Karter wasn't here, knowing that I wasn't quite sure if I'd be able to get her here to even take shots to begin with.

Besides, it felt like everyone was already accustomed to her absence that they didn't even realize she was gone.

"Cheers everyone!" Jalen called as we all clinked the shot glasses together and threw back the burning liquid.

I scrunched up my nose, shaking my head as I waited for the burning to subside.

"Heyyy, you guys took the round without me," I heard Karter say from behind me before I felt her warm hands wrap around my waist from behind. I leaned against the table for support given that Karter barely seemed to have any herself and was putting some of her weight onto me. "You guys gotta pour up again," she urged.

"Damn, she's wasted as fuck," I heard Cher say.

Jalen looked down at me before he reached over to her, "Yo, back up a little—you're leaning on Sloan completely," he said, guiding Karter to stand beside me.

As soon as she turned around to lean against the table for support, I analyzed her face, confirming that she was definitely drunk—or maybe past it.

In all my parties with her, I had never seen her this far gone.

I guess the frat team is going harder since they're hosting—then again, I already thought they were going hard enough.

Karter looked between all of us, "Let's... pour up again," she slurred, steadying herself against the table.

"Bet, but we're cutting you off after," Davis said, pouring the new round of shots even if I knew it wasn't the best idea.

Luckily, Chicago quickly halted him, grabbing the bottle of liquor from his hand, "I think maybe now is a good cut-off time."

Yeah, me too—Karter has definitely gone too far this time.

Karter frowned dramatically, "Oh come on, Chi..." she trailed off, looking over to Jaden, "I thought you guys said she was fun?" she said, motioning to Chicago.

Before either of the twins could answer, Chicago said, "I am fun, but I also know when someone has had way too much."

Karter lazily put a hand on Chicago's shoulder, easily causing Chicago to skeptically look down at Karter's hand before looking back at her.

Suddenly, Karter said, "Look, I get being cheated on is hard, but you don't have to be a buzzkill."

Wait, Chicago was cheated on? How does Karter even know this?

Better yet, why the fuck would she say something like that to someone?

I noticed Chicago's eyes visibly narrow—and out of my peripheral vision, I could see the twins and Davis's eyes go wide as saucers. Meanwhile, Cher and Lakyn looked as lost as me—discovering the new information.

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