A Field Trip?

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"Alright the breakup committee is in session," Cher said, standing beside Jalen across from me and Jaden as we reluctantly sat at the breakfast bar. 

I'm assuming Davis was assigned to damage control with Karter.

I felt my heart tighten slightly. Karter. 

It's been two weeks and I still miss her. I honestly don't think it will ever get better. 

And with Thanksgiving coming back up in a couple of weeks... God, I really don't think I will be able to handle the family-oriented day, especially after spending it with her family last year. 

On top of this, my mom decided to get back to travel nursing since I was back in college—she, of course, promised to make it to Christmas always, but Thanksgiving was out of the question since it wasn't as big of a holiday. 

I refuse to go back to the Hamptons where every single street or building will remind me of Karter and the memories we made there—so I've already decided I'll be staying on campus, and I don't care what Cher or the twins do to try and make me, I'm not going. 

Jeez, I don't even want to imagine Jaden and Jalen spending Thanksgiving with Karter right now. 

It's clear that there's still some tension there. 

"Earth to Sloan and Jaden," Jalen said, snapping his fingers, which inevitably caused us both to look back at them. 

Cher shook her head, "This zoning out thing is getting out of hand." 

Jaden rolled his eyes, "Just let me go through this breakup alone," he said, but Jalen only shook his head with a smile. 

"Aw but I couldn't possibly do that to you," Jalen said, nudging Jaden's arm which earned a narrowed look from Jaden. Jalen held his hands up in defense, "Look, I tried to warn you about Lakyn monster, but you didn't want to listen. Trust your twin next ti—ow!" he cut himself short when Cher slapped his shoulder. "What? Too soon?" he asked her. 

Cher narrowed her eyes, "Way too fucking soon," she said before looking back at us. "Now come on, we're taking a field trip."

I tilted my head, "A field trip?" 

Jalen nodded proudly, "Yes, now come on—we're already running behind," he said. 

"What have you two done now?" Jaden asked, looking between Jalen and Cher as we stood from our seats. 

Cher only smiled, "That's for you both to find out." 

"Boxing? You expect us to box right now?" I asked as Cher helped me get the cushioned black gloves on as we all sat on the side benches of the modern gym with boxing rings. 

Both Jaden and I were now changed into sporty attire—I was in black Nike shorts, a matching sports bra, and black Nike tennis shoes. Meanwhile Jaden was in Harvard basketball shorts, a muscle tank, and white Nike shoes. 

"I'm lowkey kind of hype actually," Jaden said, looking down at his black gloves with a smile. 

I rolled my eyes, well of course he'd be excited to try out boxing. 

"See, you should try to be as optimistic as Jaden," Cher pointed out, which earned a nod from both the twins. 

I narrowed my eyes, "Sure because boxing has been such a big passion of mine," I retorted sarcastically. 

"Aw really? I never knew that about you," Jalen joked, which easily earned another eye roll from me. 

Before anyone else could say anything I suddenly noticed Chicago walking over to us. She was wearing a black sporty sweatshirt and grey joggers with her long dark hair braided back under a Nike cap. 

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