The Help You Need (Rafe Cameron)

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You were sitting at home in your living room just watching TV when Rafe calls you. Keep in mind it's like 10 at night. It's also very odd for Rafe to call you this late.

You answer the call. "Hey Rafe what's up?" you ask him. "Hey. Hey umm c-could I possibly come over?" Rafe ask you but the way of his tone is it sounds like he's in pain. "Uhh yeah. Is everything alright?" you ask him. "Y-yeah. I'll see you shortly." you say. "Okay. Drive safe." you say. "Will do." he says and hangs up the call.

While waiting for Rafe to arrive you decide to wash the dishes.

You are finishing up when you hear a knock. You check out the window just to make in sure it's Rafe and not some stranger. You open the door for Rafe to come in. He walks in through the door. By the way he's waking it looks like he has hurt his leg.

"Hey." you say closing the door. "Hey." he says going to sit down on the couch. "So are you gonna tell me why you are here?" you ask. "Oh I was arguing with my dad out on the dock and one thing lead to another and he punched me so I hit him back...w-when he was coming to hit me this time he shoved me and I fell off the deck, but the way i fell i skinned my leg pretty bad by it hitting the dock." he told you. (by the way his clothes aren't wet because he changed them before he came to your place) "Oh gosh. Here come up stairs to my bathroom and we can take a look at it. Only if your able to walk." you say. "Yeah I got it." he says. You walk in front of him up the stairs.

You guys arrive to your bathroom and go in there. You tell Rafe to sit on the toilet so you can see his leg. He does have jeans on so it's hard for you to pull them up. "Hey Rafe can you take your jeans off?" you ask him. "Uh yeah." he says. He unbuckles his belt and slides his jeans off. You see the state that his leg is in and it's not great. "It's not pretty." he says. You look up at him with a concerning look on your face.

You take out the first aid kit and try to clean him up the best you can. He admires this warm/caring feeling your giving towards him in this condition.

"Hey can I use your shower? I still smell like murky lake water?" he says. "Yeah but are you sure you'll be able to stand up for that long?" you ask him. "Y-yeah." he says. "Rafe. Let me help you." you say. He looks into your eyes as you look into his. "Okay." he says.

You run him his bath since it will be easier for him to get clean this way. After the water is all filled up Rafe takes his shirt and boxers off.

You see Rafe in a whole new light. He gets in and sits down. You are sitting on the edge of the bathtub. You take the sponge with soap on it and start lathering it on his shoulders. "I can do that myself." he says. "Just let me help." you say. He stays silent.

You finish up washing Rafe and he gets out and wraps a towel around his waist.

"I'll be right back I have some clothes for you." you say.

You go into your dads closet and grab some sweat pants, a t-shirt, and a pair of boxers that you pulled out of a new packaging.

You return back to the bathroom and hand him the clothes. "Thanks." he says. "Of course." you say. "Wait Y/N. I'm not wearing your dad's boxers." he says. "Oh don't worry they're brand new." you say. "Okay." he chuckles and closes the door to get dressed.

You are laying on your bed when he comes out. He's all dressed.

Rafe goes to put his shoes back on. "Wait Rafe are you leaving?" you ask him. "Yeah." he says. "Why don't you just stay the night?" you ask him. "No. That's too much trouble for you." He says. "Rafe I want you too." you tell him. "Really?" he ask. "Yeah." you say. "Okay." he says.

"I'll take the couch." he says. "Why don't you sleep in the bed with me?" you say. "If your okay with that." he says. "Yeah I am." you say to him.

He gets in bed with you and takes his shirt off. "Oh sorry it's just more comfortable to sleep without a shirt on." he says. "Your fine." you tell him. You guys lay in bed.

"Hey Y/N?" Rafe says. "Yeah Rafe?" you ask. "Thank you for taking care of me." he says. "Oh of course." you say.

Rafe sees that your a little cold by you shivering. Without any warning he pulls you closer to him and cuddles you. You don't say anything but just smile at him. You lay your head on his abs and wrap your left arm on top of him. He wraps both of his arms around you. He kisses your head. "Good night Y/N." he says to you. "Good night Rafe." you say to him. You guys drift comfortably off to sleep in each others arms.

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