In Love With A Criminal (Rafe Cameron)

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I'm walking through the cold brisk air on a Saturday afternoon in the OBX.

I decide to head to the Wreck to visit my best friend Kie. I live in a small town a few hours away from OBX so when I do come into town I make insure to always pay a visit to Kie. She's the only one I know here. I've met her friends John B, JJ, and Pope once but it was a small hello. I walk in and see her right at the front entrance.

"Kie!" I say.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N hi!" she says and greets me with a warm hug.

"Are you on break?" I ask her.

"Yeah." she says.

"Do you wanna go on a walk with me?" I ask her.

"Sure. Let's go." she says.

"Wait don't you have to tell your parents that you're leaving?" I ask.

"No. They don't care." Kie says.

Me and Kie are walking around town when I get a sounded urge for some hot chocolate.

"You want some hot chocolate?" I ask her.

"It's like you read my mind." she says.

We go into the coffee shop and we order our hot chocolates.

"Order for Y/N." the barista says placing the two drinks on the counter.

I go and get them both and hand one of them to Kie.

I go to get some napkins to wrap around the cups because of how hot they are.

I'm walking to the station where everything you need for your drinks are there. I grab some napkins and when I turn around I accidentally bump into someone and spill my drink on the ground.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry." I say and squat down to get the now empty cup and throw it in the trash.

The man bends down to my level to help me clean the mess up.

"It's okay. Here let me help." he says as he takes the napkins that are soaked up with hot chocolate and puts them in the trash.

He smiles at me and I smile back.

He finishes helping me clean the mess up.

"I'm so sorry about that. You didn't have to help it was completely my fault." I say.

"No it's okay. What were you drinking?" he ask.

"Hot chocolate." I say.

"Stay there I'll be back." he says and walks up to the barista and says something.

He comes back with a drink.

"Here." he says.

"Thank you. You didn't have to. Here I'll pay you back." you say reaching for the cash out of your pocket.

"No please it's fine. I insist." he says.

I say thank you with a smile.

"Well I should be getting back to my friend. Thank you so much for the drink." I say.

"Of course." he says and smiles as he sees me walk away.

"Girl what took you so long?" Kie ask.

"I spilled my drink after bumping into this man and he helped me clean the mess up. He was very sweet and so hot." I say.

"So I'm guessing he bought you another one?" Kie ask.

"Yeah it was so nice of him." I say.

"So what did this man look like?" she asks me.

"Tall. Probably a little over six foot. Light brown hair and oh my gosh the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen." I say.

"Wow he sounds dreamy." Kie says.

"He so is." I say.

"So did you get his name or his phone number?" she asks.

"No. Oh I should've of. Maybe he's still here?" I ask.

"Maybe go look." Kie says.

"Okay I will. Be five minutes." I say.

I get up and look around the coffee shop.

I've been looking and I don't see a single sight of him.

I come back over to Kie defeated.

"No luck?" she ask.

"No luck." I say.

"Maybe you'll see him again?" she says trying to make me feel better.

"Maybe but I leave tomorrow." I say.

"Well the most we can do is hope." Kie says.

"Yeah." I say and take a sip of my drink.

*some time past*

Me and Kie walked around a little bit longer before she had to get back to her shift.

I continue to walk around.

All of a sudden I see the same man walking on the other side of the sidewalk.

I quickly cross and catch up to him.

I tap his arm.

He quickly turns around.

"Hot chocolate girl!?" he says with a slight shocked smile.

"Yeah umm I never got your name?" I ask.

"Oh it's Rafe." he says.

"Rafe. Nice to meet you, again. I'm so Y/N." I say.

"Y/N. Could I get your number." he ask.

"Yeah." I say.

We exchange phone numbers and plan to call each other later today.

I quickly call Kie after.

"Kie! Guess what just happened." I say.

"What? Did you find mystery man?" she ask.

"Yeah! And I got his name and number!" I say.

"That's great so what's his name?" she ask.

"Rafe." I say.

There's silence across the phone.

"Kie? Are you still there?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah I'm here. Wait you said Rafe?" she ask.

"Yeah. Why do you know him?" I ask her.

"Yeah umm Y/N you need to come to the Wreck." she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"We need to talk." she says.

"Just tell me over the phone I'm pretty far away from the Wreck." I say.

"Okay well Y/N he's a murderer." Kie says.

"A WHAT." I say loudly.

A/N: Come back for part 2. What's going to happen with Y/N's mystery man. What is Kie about to tell her?

Drew Starkey ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu